Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Interpersonal Communication

Question: Write an essay on Interpersonal Communication. Answer: It is a way of exchange or giving and acquiring of information between two people. It is not only a phenomenon but then it is also an area of study, which means there also a subject is named in this manner. Interpersonal communication involves two phases: Message receiving and message sending (Berger, 2014). This thing can be practiced by both direct and indirect ways. The practice becomes successful when both the receiver and the sender of any message understand each others views and ways of conduct. This kind of communication is normally seen in office or in professional areas. The communication that is done during an interview is an example of interpersonal communication. Theories of Communication Uncertainty Reduction Theory This is a perspective of socio-physiology. Here people try to gather information about other people as they have problem with uncertainty. Here as people want to be more predictive so they seek as much as information about others (Blumler, 2015). Social Exchange Theory This comes under the perspective of symbolic interaction. The theory describes, explains, and predicts the reason behind as to why and when people reveal certain personal or impersonal information to others about themselves (Siegrist, 2009). Relational Dialectics Theory Here dialectical approach includes contradiction. The understanding is done through opposing arguments. It involves a lot of debates (Amati and Hannawa, 2013). Social Penetration Theory Here the most important thing that can be seen is that how different people make relations with each other when they have total different views and intellectuals (Chornet-Roses, 2010). Relational Patterns of Interaction Theory Here it is shown how relations are defined by peoples interactive way in their relationships. This theory became the basis for the scholars to approach the study of relations in the field of communication (Cimatti and Sebastiani, 2012). Communication Privacy Management Theory In this kind it is seen how people communicate with each maintaining a boundary of privacy within themselves. Cognitive Dissonance Theory Here it is seen how people decrease their discomfort level in any new situation by the process of communication (Amati and Hannawa, 2013). Attribution Theory In this kind social judgment of people is seen for any unknown or known people while communicating with each other. Expectancy Violations Theory This is mainly seen in non-verbal communications where people, while having non-verbal communication, misjudge the other and also draw negative or positive conclusions about them accordingly (Johnson and Lewis, 2010). Discussion Here is an example given where the communication done between an interviewee and interviewer is given. Let the interviewer (one who is interviewing) be A and the interviewee (one who is being interviewed) be B- A: Hi B: Hello A: Where do you work and what is the name of your company? B: I work in a hotel and the name of the company X Hotel. A: And how long have you been working there? B: I have been working there for one and a half year. A: OK so how many hours are you working? B: I usually work for 20 hours per week as I am a student, but during holidays I can work for more than 20 hours case thats the rule. A: So what do you do at your job? B: I work as a DC, where I have to clean the dishes that come from the kitchen and the buffet. Sometimes I also help the kitchen staff prepare the food like making curry and other things. A: So are you satisfied with your job? B: Yes, I am satisfied with my job as I am getting good money there and the staff members are very good. A: And how many people are working there? B: In the kitchen 5 people are working and in the buffet 5-6 waitresses and there are 3 managers. So approximately there are 11-15 people working there. A: So, about your pay, when do you get the pay? Is it weekly or monthly? B: Probably I get the pay weekly, on every Tuesdays but sometimes its late then I get paid on Wednesdays or Thursdays. A: So at your work how are you motivated by you staff members? Like if you make any mistakes, how do you handle the customers? B: Actually I am not working in the buffet so there is no need for me to go to the buffet to handle the customers. But my staff members are really good. Sometimes they also help me in washing the dishes if I get late. They put the washed dishes to their places and they pretty much motivate me, they help me very much. A: So at you work during the staff meetings what do you discuss? B: In my workplace during the monthly meeting we discuss quality of the food and also if there is any fault with my washing, then they tell me to do it properly. So mainly we discuss about the problems that come in the kitchen or buffet. A: So how much do you trust your company, like if the hotel closes what will happen of you? B: Yes, I trust my company because like if that hotel closes then my company may shift me to another branch of it as my company has a lot of hotels in my city. A: So how much do you expect from our company? B: In my present company I get 100 Australian dollars per week so I would expect at least 100-120 Australian dollars per week. A: So this is enough for today, we will call you if you are selected. Thank you. B: Thank you. Conclusion So , from the above interview session we understand that giving or taking an interview not only involves professional or educational talk but it also good communication skills ,because the interviewee does not know what questions he or she has to answer. Hence the interviewee has to be a very good listener and answer the questions politely but to the point. Whereas its not always possible to for the interviewer to frame new questions for every interviewee. So the interviewer also has to be a good listener to frame questions related to what the interviewee is telling. References Amati, R. and Hannawa, A. (2013). Relational Dialectics Theory: Disentangling Physician-Perceived Tensions of End-of-Life Communication.Health Communication, 29(10), pp.962-973. Berger, C. (2014).Interpersonal Communication. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Blumler, J. (2015). Core Theories of Political Communication: Foundational and Freshly Minted.Commun Theor, 25(4), pp.426-438. Chornet-Roses, D. (2010). Using Students' Prior Knowledge to Teach Social Penetration Theory.Communication Teacher, 24(3), pp.150-154. Cimatti, A. and Sebastiani, R. (2012).Theory and applications of satisfiability testing-- SAT 2012. Berlin: Springer. Johnson, D. and Lewis, N. (2010). Perceptions of Swearing in the Work Setting: An Expectancy Violations Theory Perspective.Communication Reports, 23(2), pp.106-118. Johnson, K. and Worden, D. (2014). Cognitive/emotional dissonance as growth points in learning to teach.LST, 1(2), pp.125-150. Siegrist, J. (2009). Unfair exchange and health: Social bases of stress-related diseases.Soc Theory Health, 7(4), pp.305-317.

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