Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Impacts of the Internet on Journal Publishing

Introduction The Internet has transformed the way in which knowledge is disseminated, discoveries are shared and traditional business model of academic journal is operated in the electronic environment. At the same time, Internet as a medium also construct a completely new model of knowledge learning and distribution, which is the Open Access, funded by author-pay, institutional sponsorship, advertising, etc. As a result, the full text of content is free to all the readers around the world. However, negative impacts are brought to both readers and authors simultaneously. For example, authors have the responsibility to pay the publication fee and academic journals are incentivized by the OA to publish more journals, which will affect the overall quality and thus, the whole publication infrastructure of the OA model is not sustainable in the long run. Though not denying these impediments, this essay concentrates on the positive impacts of the Internet on journal publishing from the viewpoint of aca demic journals. Drawing the work of various scholars and taking Wiley Open Access as a case study, this essay identifies the impacts of the Internet on academic journal publishing by examining dynamic changes in practices and behaviors of readers and authors. I seek not to cover all the aspects, but to paying particular attention to scholarly communication. Impact of the Internet on journal publishing Academic journals have remained outstandingly unchanged in terms ofShow MoreRelatedMcsweeney s Publishing : An American Non Profit Publishing House1211 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction McSweeney s Publishing is an American non-profit publishing house founded by editor Dave Eggers in 1998, based in San Francisco. 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