Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Democracy and Best Form

1. Democracy represents the views and notions of all the citizens of the country, whether majorities or minorities.2. It helps in solving conflicts and quarrels in a better way.3. It provides a dignity to the people.4. It helps in realising one's mistakes and improving upon them.5. There is no other form of government or an lternative better than a democracy. Yes democracy is the best form of government.Democracy is the best form of government simply because no other form of government is known to work well. Democracy may have it's flaws but all in all it works very fluidly. Socialism, for example, does not even come close to the best form of government. One can easily see this in Greece's current state. Democracy has never led to complete government disorder like one can see Socialism does. DEMOCRACY is the best form of govt.Yes democracy is the best form of govt. It grants us many things. 1.Right to speech. 2.Right to information. 3.Right to vote and etc.It represents each and ever y citizen equally whether you are poor or you are rich. In a monarchy or dictatorship no one can say or present their point of view. They have to follow what a single man says but in democracy we have been granted by RIGHT TO SPEECH. Democracy is the best form of governmentAs democracy means rule of people †¦ That is of the people for the people and by the people. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives. 1. Democracy represents the views and notions of all the citizens of the country, whether majorities or minorities. 2. It helps in solving conflicts and quarrels in a better way. 3. It provides a dignity to the people.4. It helps in realising one's mistakes and improving upon them. 5. There is no other form of government or an alternative better than a democracy. democracy is the best form of governmentDemocratic states nearly always have freer people than autocratic states. T hey obviously have the right to vote for their government so by extension deciding the policy of their nation and what their nation should be like. They have more freedom of speech and expression than in autocracies. In particular they are free to criticize their own government. Democracy is the best form of governmentAs democracy means rule of people †¦ That is of the people for the people and by the people. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives. Democracy is the best form of government simply because no other form of government is known to work well. Democracy may have its flaws but all in all it works very fluidly. Some plus points of having a democratic form of government:- 1. Freedom2. Democracy represents the views and notions of all the citizens of the country, whether majorities or minorities. 3. It helps in solving conflicts and quarrels in a better way. 4. It provi des a dignity to the people.5. Democracy allows various people to rule the country through the representatives. 6. It also allows people to express themselves clearly and freely. 7. It Respects & promotes Human Rights 8. In this form of government all people are equal before the law. 9. Democracy is the only form of government where the people can voice their opinion. 10. In my view there is no other alternative form of government better than a democracy.Freedom for peopleDemocracy allows various people to rule the country through the representatives . It allows people to express themselves clearly and freely. People and media criticize the ruling party without any censorship unlike autocracy where there is a limit on people's power of speech. People have the right to protest,celebrate and freely express themselves .I am currently doing a debate on this topic, and I do agree with this question because a democratic government represents the people. It gives the people an equal say by voting for different properties of the nation/state in which they live. No other form of government has been proven better. Democracy represents allWell, we all know the best form of government where every group gets it equal representation and equal chance of winning is democracy. Every citizen has the right to vote on their own. It gives complete freedom of expressing one's feeling on who would they want to be governed by. In the end nobody wants to be enslaved.In the end everyone wants to have control over their own life. As long as people aren't robots, they will crave democracy and freedom, as they should. It is also true the Democracies tend to do better because some of the people in it will seek to advance themselves and that will lead to innovation and growth. You don't get the same effect with other countries where thinking for yourself is sometimes punishable by death. Fundamental characteristics of democracySeparation of powers: The legislative, executive and the judicia ry operate independently without any interference of one of the others Rule of law: Every one is equal in the eye of the law.As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Freedom and liberty in Democratic form of Government Democracy is the only form of government where the people can voice their opinions, whereas in other forms of government such as Monarchy, the law making is rested in the hands of the king who is considered most superior.In democracy we have the freedom to reside in any town or village of the country, have the freedom to select occupation of choice, raise voices, organize protests and rallies, etc. Thus Democracy is the best form of government and can be applied to all the spheres of life. Yes democracy is bestDemocracy is a form of govt. in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in decisions that effect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally either directly or through elected representatives in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.Democracy by definition is a political system in which supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Yes it is the best form of governmentAs democracy means rule of people †¦ That is of the people for the people and by the people. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.Yes it is Democracy is the best form of government because it is for the people by the people with the people. In this form of government people elect their own representatives through voting or elections. In this government if people are not happy with the government they can remove it from power by not voting them in the next elections.Support people's rights In a democratic country a person is respective. In a democratic country like India, our govt. Has provided fundamental rights. But in a non- democratic country no basic rules are provided. We can move freely in our country or a person can express his or her opinion. We can change our govt when it doesn't work.Support people rights In a democratic country a person is respective. In a democratic country like India, our govt. has provided fundamental rights. But in a non-democratic country no basic rules are provided. We can move freely in our country or a person can express his or her opinion. We can change our govt when it doesn't work.Yes it is I am currently doing a debate on this topic, and I do agree with this question because a democratic government represents the people. It gives the people and equal say by voting for different properties of the nation/state in which they live. No other form of government has been proven better and its gives freedom to the people but with boundaries. So therefore, democracy is the best form of government! Represents the peopleThe biggest virtue of Democracy is that it is government by the people for the people. The government represents the views of the people who elect them and can throw them out if the government does things that the people do not like. Unlike other forms of government democracy is about the little man, everyone rather than the elite that are often disconnected from how everyone else lives their lives. i think democracy is niceYes I feel that it is because it allows us the freedom to choose. The majority of our country is allowed to choose what they feel is best for them. It is not just one person deciding what they think is best for everyone else. Democracy will always win out over other forms of government.Yes democracy is the best form of government. Democracy is the best form of government simply because no other form of government is known to work well. Democracy may have it's flaws but all in all it works very fluidly. Socialism, for example, does not even come close to the best form of government. One can easily see this in Greece's c urrent state. Democracy has never led to complete government disorder like one can see Socialism does.Best Option overall If we can't elect who we want the what kind of world are we. I now sometimes democracies can be corrupt but so can monarchies. If the people do not like their king then you have to fight a war to kick him out of power. So democracy is best Democracy represents unity1. Democracy shows to the citizens that the government cares about them and their opinons.2. The citizen's voices and opinions can be heard3. It gives us the right to vote and the right of knowledge4. It promotes equality to the rich AND poor5. It gives other's the chance to become president or prime minister, or such. In a monarchy, it is simply passed down through generations to come. Oh yes alwaysYes it is The very clichà ©d definition of a democracy- it is of the people for the people and by the people. This means that it functions not only for the people but also for their benefits as the people are the rulers and they can understand each others necessities. Also in the other forms of government whether it be anarchy or monarchy, people are coerced with laws and rules they may not want to follow but just have to bare with it which created anger and disharmony for instance in the case of Syria rebellion. There is also no constitution which guarantees the people certain human rights and they cannot even use it as a living document. Thus it is somewhat not a good form of government. However in democracy one can voice out their own opinions and views as it guarantees freedom of speech, action an the list goes on . Thus democracy is the best form of governmentYes I do It's really fair, and in that way, your voices are heard!!!!) Everybody in countries like America and Australia are happy, because there is a democracy, and they get a vote.Also, the votes of the minority are counted too, and people are free to do anything. Other forms of government aren't that productive, while de mocracy is. I have no headingDemocracy is the best form of government. People want freedom, and with  democracy, that’s what they’ll get. This government respects people and their rights. It also promotes them. It is based off of the discussions and opinions of the people. It is important that the people can control the government. An autocratic government could create laws that have nothing to do with the current situation that the country is in and the citizens wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.Yes it isThe best form of the government because it is according to the nature of the man.A man wants to be free and want to express his thoughts what democracy provides.Unlike monarchy or anarchy system which are against the nature of a man and according to that systems a man become just like a slave who have to follow the orders of the KING or QUEEN.One of the Best Democracy can be called the best form but still it is far better than the other forms of the government. Every one has the right to express himself, people have right of freedom in various sense. Anyone would like to be free and this is what provided by the democracy. Democracy is the bestIn some places, people believe that is not the best. However it is the best because the government cannot do whatever, they still have to follow some laws, and almost everything is voted on. Whenever a vote is taken it is won by majority rules, so the public has a say in everything that goes on with the government. Obviously it isWith a Democracy we can elect people who have similar views as us instead of trusting a king or queen. Yes their are flaws in Democracy but no government is perfect. At least with democracy we have a way to express our thoughts by peaceful protests because, in other countries its against the law to protest.Yes, best form Democracy as defined, is Govt of the People For the P eople By the People. So it's for the people who are given all the rights to choose their leaders, enjoy freedoms as of Expression, Religion, Movement, holding their leaders accountable for the decisions they make on their behalf in governance etc. It's simply the best form of govt because in monarchy and other types of govt the citizenry don't enjoy such privileges.Best form of government Nowadays, there is no ideology with any political party. A majority of the political leaders in our country have become corrupt and selfish. They never care the fact that they are the representatives of the public and they have some duties towards them. Once elected, they forget their promises, which they make at the time of election. Yes it isBecause we get the right to choose the government of our own choice we can do everything . A democratic country is a well developed

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