Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Shiite Festivals in Iran and Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Shiite Festivals in Iran and Iraq - Essay Example Although the Shiites were considered a minority in most of the Islamic world, they were the majority in countries like Iran and Iraq. Shiites who venerate Ali and his son Husayn or Hussein commemorate their death in the hands of the Sunni's in the 7th century battle in Karbala. Karbala is located in Iraq (Associated Press). The other holy site located in Iraq is Najaf. Shiites in Iraq comprised sixty percent of the Iraqi population but the most oppressed and marginalized during the regime of Saddam Hussein. There is a basic difference between Shiite Muslims in Iran and Iraq. Primarily, Iran's ethnic origin was Persian while Iraq's is recognized as Arab. The most significant festival for Shiites all over the world is the observance of Ashura, a ten-day commemoration of the martyrdom of Hussein. Its observance followed the Shiite calendar usually on the tenth day of the first month of the lunar year or Muharram (Rauf). The Shiites observed it as a day of mourning when Hussein and his kinsmen were killed in 680 AD or 61 AH (Shiite calendar) ("Everyday is Ashura and Every land is Karbala", Rauf). Shiites observe the day with public display of mourning, self-flagellation or wounding to commemorate the sacrifices of Hussein. Hussein opposed against the corrupt rule of Yazid, a Muslim caliph and he and his family paid for it with their lives. Unlike the Shiites in Iran where they enjoyed majority rule and political power, the Shiites of Iraq underwent severe oppression and misfortune for decades under Saddam Hussein despite outnumbering Sunni's by 2 to 1. Many of the Shiites in Iraq sought refuge in Iran. The Shiites of Iraq had to celebrate and practice their beliefs with restraint. It was not until Saddam Hussein was deposed in 2003 could they openly commemorate Ashura. In Iran, however, Shiism was the recognized Islamic denomination and therefore everyone could observe customs and traditions freely. The Origins of the Shiite Branch of Islam Conflict ensued concerning succession after Prophet Muhammad died in 632 AD between the Sunni and Shiites. According to the Shiites, succession should come from the bloodlines of Prophet Muhammad. The Sunni's believed otherwise. For them, the selection of a successor should be a consensus among community members, on political ascendancy and individual merit. (Armanios CRS-2). However, the closest companion of the Prophet, Abu Bakr was elected by majority of the community as caliph. Although majority would accept this decision, some felt that Ali ibn Abi Talib, a cousin and the Prophet's son-in-law and husband to the Prophet's daughter Fatima was bypassed. Several members of the community supported Ali's ascension as caliph (Armanios CRS-1). The Shiites would later consider Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman as usurpers and illegitimate successors. Shiites considered Ali as the one deserving the recognition as successor. Ali would later be assassinated in 661 AD and his sons, Hassan and Hussein would die in the hands of the Sunnis (Armanios CRS-2). Those that supported Ali's leadership

Monday, October 28, 2019

Analysis of “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin Essay Example for Free

Analysis of â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin Essay The short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour† was written by Kate Chopin and first appeared in 1984. It tells about the ‘one hour’ brief story of the main protagonist, Louise Mallard, and her reaction upon hearing the news of her husband’s death by a car accident. And because she had a heart problem, her sister Josephine and her husband’s friend Richards decided to break to her the news as gently as possible. Not long after the supposedly bad news was revealed, Brently, Louise’s husband, suddenly comes home alive disproving the former, causing death to her by heart attack. Majority of the story’s progression revolve around Louise’s reaction upon hearing the news about her husband’s death (Brian, 2001). The scenes where Louise isolate herself in her room and savor her new-found freedom add up to the hanging idea of the real reason behind her death. It seems that the author actually give two possible emotional state to answer the underlying question of Louise’s joyful death: one is that she has become too overwhelmed to see her husband alive in contrary to the news about his involvement in a recent car accident and the other one is that she is saddened by the realization of the freedom that she thought she will have after hearing her husband’s loss is completely taken away from her again. Contrasting Representations Suprisingly, the short-story is written in complete contrasts of the main theme. First of these contrasting representations within the story is Louise’s reaction upon hearing the news. The news about her husband’s death should bring her agony and tears but instead; she sits calmly â€Å"facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. † Here we see a strange approach to the situation with the word â€Å"comfortable† being used to modify the chair near the window. Louise, a new widow herself, must not see the chair as â€Å"comfortable† as it seems just right after hearing the unbearable news of her husband’s death. Added to this, the scene outside the window also symbolizes something in contrast to the story’s progression. The spring day from the view outside her window shows a contrasting image to the situation she has. The spring is a symbol of â€Å"rebirth† or â€Å"new life† thus the spring prognosticates Louise’s new life after Brently’s death. Another interesting symbol in the story is the description of the view laid upon Louise’s eyes as she sits near the window: â€Å"The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves† (Brian, 2001). For the readers, the description made by Louise about the view she was seeing clouds what her true emotions were at that moment. It seemed that as she isolated herself in a room, she completely disregarded the news of her husband’s death. These representations had become tricky in contrasting the main theme the story supposes to have or tell. Kate Chopin’s idea of a Joyful Death: Appearance versus Conflict What the readers may discover in reading this story is the possibility that there is an ironic truth behind the death of the main protagonist’s beloved. In the main setting of the story where Louis sits in a comfortable chair, she mouth over the words we never expect to read or hear from her. She seems to be happy rather than being sad about Brently’s loss with what the story emphasizes on her shouting â€Å"free, free, free! The freedom she pertains here signifies of her having the will to live a life all by herself, after her husband is gone. As she plays a youthful characteristic of a woman, it is a well played proof that she was indeed after the freedom, of doing what she want to do and make decisions for herself. With this fact, the story seems to have a conflict of its own: conflict between the ideas of appearance and reality. From the moment that the story emphasizes about Louise having her â€Å"freedom† at last, it could suggest the notion to the reader(s) that she is not saddened by the news. Unlike what she had shown in the central point of the story, Louise somehow is expected to grieve by the people around her, all having the idea that her marriage with Brently was a happy one. This is what her sister Josephine completely understood with her reaction as she misinterprets Louise’s behavior and thinking. She hysterically calls out her sister in the room, believing that Louise is heart-broken but in reality, Louise is more lightened up by the news. The doctors’ judgment about Louise’s death also deals with this conflict. For them, it seemed that Louise died after realizing that her husband is alive. This appearance of Louise’s happiness is more illustrated when they predicted that due to heart attack â€Å"of joy that kills† (Brians, 2001). Never did they think of the reality that she died because of another reason. That she dies because she was heart-broken to recognize the truth that she will not be able to gain her freedom as what she expected earlier. Role of Woman versus Man Another conflict in the story accentuates the role of woman versus man in the society. It is illustrated in the story that Louise is a submissive wife to Brently. But there is an internal struggle within her that tells that she was not happily married at all. As what Louise thinks, â€Å"What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being† justifies more to the idea that she, indeed, had loved Brently but more were the times she feel not. Maybe for Brently, Louise appeared to be happy with their relationship or he thinks and assumes that she is. Apparently, Louise wanted more the freedom she had felt for in that short while. After finding out the truth that she was not yet totally free, she had thought that only by death that she would took possession of it at last. There in death she would find peace and liberty. Ironically, Louise took the realization that her husband was alive and chose to die in able to attain the freedom she longed for. Character Analysis Chopin made her characters compliment along with the theme of the story. The main character, Louise plays a youthful wife who tends to have her freedom despite her marriage with Brently. Her youth marked up the end of her life and this irony of life, of choosing liberty by death, seemed to be one of the uncertain situations in the matter of choosing life over death. Brently, although his character is not discussed further on in the story, seemed to be playing a role of a husband who wants her wife under his control. Louise would never want liberation if he was a good man to her. His characteristic gives a deeper impact in the story, making Louise choose to die with freedom rather than living with him in a life full of despair. Josephine, Louise’s sister, was recognized here as a doting sister who takes care of her and all the matters that has a connection with her. Josephine, together with Richards, had taken care of gently telling to her the â€Å"death† of her husband Brently. She half-concealed the truth, in order for Louise to accept it without suffering her heart problem. Richards, Louise’s friend, is the one who brought the news to the house, he is responsible for assuring Brently’s death. As he rushes to tell the news to his friend, there is a suggestive truth that he was worried about what his friend’s reaction would be after hearing the news. If he had not rushed over to deliver the news, there is a possibility that Brently could arrive first in the house and justify that his name in the news is a big mistake, preventing Louise’s death and would have lived more. Apart from Brently, Richards is also responsible for the protagonist’s death. The story gives us the impression that not every death could bring grief to someone. It could be, in another way, a joyful event. Chopin had also brought about the issues of women and their role in the society. The story, written in the nineteenth-century, showed how women years back had no rights to be at their own will. Women then were still under the prying eyes of the society and men dominate over them. Chopin tackles a lot of moral issue within the story. Her story suggests that it would still be better if women of her own time maintain their roles in the society. In the nineteenth-century, men are expected to be superior over women and not the other way around, not what Louise wanted to be. Her insights within the story inspires us with the vision of what harmonious relationships are ought to be and the wide complexity in bearing the contrasting truth between appearance and reality. References: Brians, Paul. et al. Reading about the World. (Vol. 2) 3rd Edition. Texas: Harcourt Brace College, 2001.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

American Political Science :: Politics Government Essays

American Political Science In politics as in political science and legal scholarship, the world sometimes seems to be divided into those who think that for the sake of efficiency as well as justice markets must be free from regulation by morals and those who believe that, considerations of efficiency notwithstanding, justice demands that morals govern markets. In his instructive and admirably balanced new book, Cass Sunstein contends that, for all concerned, this is a bad way for the world to be divided. Sunstein sets out to show the superiority of a third view: markets and morals exercise a reciprocal influence on each other, and a respectable political science and a responsible jurisprudence must grasp the complicated relationship between them. In support of his thesis, Sunstein examines a remarkable range of ideas and issues: the ambiguity of preferences; the need to devise empirical measures of human well-being to solve problems of adjudication and public policy that arise in the modern welfare state; the complex origins, the pervasive influence, and the political regulation of social norms; why markets alone cannot put an end to discrimination; free speech issues raised by the Internet; constitution making in Eastern Europe; the relation among property rights, democracy, and constitutionalism; neglected consequences and complicated trade-offs in the regulation of the environment and health; and the project of using the legal system to democratize America. In making his case, Sun stein is conscientious about introducing qualifications to his claims, drawing out problems of implementation inhering in his reforms, and identifying dangers associated with his programs, though occasionally he blurs the distinction between openly acknowledging a difficulty and responding to it by scaling back his theoretical ambitions or revising his political programs. The two crucial and connected points, to which Sunstein returns again and again, are that markets are complex institutions and that morals are an irreducible element of social and political life. It is not exactly that there is no such thing as a free market or that morals are everywhere, but that free markets cannot be understood in isolation from beliefs and practices, especially beliefs about what is just and good for human beings and practices that prepare or prevent one from participating effectively in commercial, democratic society. Moreover, because they depend on and are partly constituted by law, free markets are not only more complex but also less autonomous than they sometimes appear. For example, the law of property provides rules of entitlement and the law of contract establishes rules of transfer.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Awakenings :: Essays Papers

Awakenings Many people experience events that will alter their lives forever. These events may be for the better, or perhaps for the worst. Either way, life will most likely never be the same. It is, however, the way one responds to these events that is most significant. The stories of Alice Sebold and Edna Pontellier differ greatly from one another. Both women, nevertheless, find themselves entering into a new chapter of their lives. While their stories are different, the issues that they face are similar. Alice and Edna both experience awakenings throughout the course of their stories. Lucky, by Alice Sebold, is a memoir of her rape during her freshmen year of college at Syracuse University. It is a detailed, and sometimes painful, story of her struggle to deal with and eventually rise above this traumatic event. Throughout the book, Alice experiences things, people, and events that lead and even push her to her awakening. The novella, â€Å"The Awakening†, by Kate Chopin, is written about a woman in the 1800’s, named Edna Pontellier. Although the book is written about a very different time period, the issues that come up are timeless. Edna struggles with finding her happiness in a society that places restraints and limits on what is acceptable from a woman. Both women resolved to make the best of their situations. Alice pursued legal actions against her rapist, and was victorious. She worked hard to emotionally, mentally, and physically overcome her rape. Alice remarked, â€Å"You save yourself, or you remain unsaved† Sebold, pg 61. Edna too found strength within herself to change her situation. She began to change her life despite of what was considered socially acceptable at the time. She opened the doors of intellectual and sexual deviances. One common factor in both Edna and Alice’s story was that they did not feel like they fit in with their friends and family from the beginning.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Democracy and Best Form

1. Democracy represents the views and notions of all the citizens of the country, whether majorities or minorities.2. It helps in solving conflicts and quarrels in a better way.3. It provides a dignity to the people.4. It helps in realising one's mistakes and improving upon them.5. There is no other form of government or an lternative better than a democracy. Yes democracy is the best form of government.Democracy is the best form of government simply because no other form of government is known to work well. Democracy may have it's flaws but all in all it works very fluidly. Socialism, for example, does not even come close to the best form of government. One can easily see this in Greece's current state. Democracy has never led to complete government disorder like one can see Socialism does. DEMOCRACY is the best form of govt.Yes democracy is the best form of govt. It grants us many things. 1.Right to speech. 2.Right to information. 3.Right to vote and etc.It represents each and ever y citizen equally whether you are poor or you are rich. In a monarchy or dictatorship no one can say or present their point of view. They have to follow what a single man says but in democracy we have been granted by RIGHT TO SPEECH. Democracy is the best form of governmentAs democracy means rule of people †¦ That is of the people for the people and by the people. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives. 1. Democracy represents the views and notions of all the citizens of the country, whether majorities or minorities. 2. It helps in solving conflicts and quarrels in a better way. 3. It provides a dignity to the people.4. It helps in realising one's mistakes and improving upon them. 5. There is no other form of government or an alternative better than a democracy. democracy is the best form of governmentDemocratic states nearly always have freer people than autocratic states. T hey obviously have the right to vote for their government so by extension deciding the policy of their nation and what their nation should be like. They have more freedom of speech and expression than in autocracies. In particular they are free to criticize their own government. Democracy is the best form of governmentAs democracy means rule of people †¦ That is of the people for the people and by the people. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives. Democracy is the best form of government simply because no other form of government is known to work well. Democracy may have its flaws but all in all it works very fluidly. Some plus points of having a democratic form of government:- 1. Freedom2. Democracy represents the views and notions of all the citizens of the country, whether majorities or minorities. 3. It helps in solving conflicts and quarrels in a better way. 4. It provi des a dignity to the people.5. Democracy allows various people to rule the country through the representatives. 6. It also allows people to express themselves clearly and freely. 7. It Respects & promotes Human Rights 8. In this form of government all people are equal before the law. 9. Democracy is the only form of government where the people can voice their opinion. 10. In my view there is no other alternative form of government better than a democracy.Freedom for peopleDemocracy allows various people to rule the country through the representatives . It allows people to express themselves clearly and freely. People and media criticize the ruling party without any censorship unlike autocracy where there is a limit on people's power of speech. People have the right to protest,celebrate and freely express themselves .I am currently doing a debate on this topic, and I do agree with this question because a democratic government represents the people. It gives the people an equal say by voting for different properties of the nation/state in which they live. No other form of government has been proven better. Democracy represents allWell, we all know the best form of government where every group gets it equal representation and equal chance of winning is democracy. Every citizen has the right to vote on their own. It gives complete freedom of expressing one's feeling on who would they want to be governed by. In the end nobody wants to be enslaved.In the end everyone wants to have control over their own life. As long as people aren't robots, they will crave democracy and freedom, as they should. It is also true the Democracies tend to do better because some of the people in it will seek to advance themselves and that will lead to innovation and growth. You don't get the same effect with other countries where thinking for yourself is sometimes punishable by death. Fundamental characteristics of democracySeparation of powers: The legislative, executive and the judicia ry operate independently without any interference of one of the others Rule of law: Every one is equal in the eye of the law.As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Freedom and liberty in Democratic form of Government Democracy is the only form of government where the people can voice their opinions, whereas in other forms of government such as Monarchy, the law making is rested in the hands of the king who is considered most superior.In democracy we have the freedom to reside in any town or village of the country, have the freedom to select occupation of choice, raise voices, organize protests and rallies, etc. Thus Democracy is the best form of government and can be applied to all the spheres of life. Yes democracy is bestDemocracy is a form of govt. in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in decisions that effect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally either directly or through elected representatives in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.Democracy by definition is a political system in which supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Yes it is the best form of governmentAs democracy means rule of people †¦ That is of the people for the people and by the people. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.Yes it is Democracy is the best form of government because it is for the people by the people with the people. In this form of government people elect their own representatives through voting or elections. In this government if people are not happy with the government they can remove it from power by not voting them in the next elections.Support people's rights In a democratic country a person is respective. In a democratic country like India, our govt. Has provided fundamental rights. But in a non- democratic country no basic rules are provided. We can move freely in our country or a person can express his or her opinion. We can change our govt when it doesn't work.Support people rights In a democratic country a person is respective. In a democratic country like India, our govt. has provided fundamental rights. But in a non-democratic country no basic rules are provided. We can move freely in our country or a person can express his or her opinion. We can change our govt when it doesn't work.Yes it is I am currently doing a debate on this topic, and I do agree with this question because a democratic government represents the people. It gives the people and equal say by voting for different properties of the nation/state in which they live. No other form of government has been proven better and its gives freedom to the people but with boundaries. So therefore, democracy is the best form of government! Represents the peopleThe biggest virtue of Democracy is that it is government by the people for the people. The government represents the views of the people who elect them and can throw them out if the government does things that the people do not like. Unlike other forms of government democracy is about the little man, everyone rather than the elite that are often disconnected from how everyone else lives their lives. i think democracy is niceYes I feel that it is because it allows us the freedom to choose. The majority of our country is allowed to choose what they feel is best for them. It is not just one person deciding what they think is best for everyone else. Democracy will always win out over other forms of government.Yes democracy is the best form of government. Democracy is the best form of government simply because no other form of government is known to work well. Democracy may have it's flaws but all in all it works very fluidly. Socialism, for example, does not even come close to the best form of government. One can easily see this in Greece's c urrent state. Democracy has never led to complete government disorder like one can see Socialism does.Best Option overall If we can't elect who we want the what kind of world are we. I now sometimes democracies can be corrupt but so can monarchies. If the people do not like their king then you have to fight a war to kick him out of power. So democracy is best Democracy represents unity1. Democracy shows to the citizens that the government cares about them and their opinons.2. The citizen's voices and opinions can be heard3. It gives us the right to vote and the right of knowledge4. It promotes equality to the rich AND poor5. It gives other's the chance to become president or prime minister, or such. In a monarchy, it is simply passed down through generations to come. Oh yes alwaysYes it is The very clichà ©d definition of a democracy- it is of the people for the people and by the people. This means that it functions not only for the people but also for their benefits as the people are the rulers and they can understand each others necessities. Also in the other forms of government whether it be anarchy or monarchy, people are coerced with laws and rules they may not want to follow but just have to bare with it which created anger and disharmony for instance in the case of Syria rebellion. There is also no constitution which guarantees the people certain human rights and they cannot even use it as a living document. Thus it is somewhat not a good form of government. However in democracy one can voice out their own opinions and views as it guarantees freedom of speech, action an the list goes on . Thus democracy is the best form of governmentYes I do It's really fair, and in that way, your voices are heard!!!!) Everybody in countries like America and Australia are happy, because there is a democracy, and they get a vote.Also, the votes of the minority are counted too, and people are free to do anything. Other forms of government aren't that productive, while de mocracy is. I have no headingDemocracy is the best form of government. People want freedom, and with  democracy, that’s what they’ll get. This government respects people and their rights. It also promotes them. It is based off of the discussions and opinions of the people. It is important that the people can control the government. An autocratic government could create laws that have nothing to do with the current situation that the country is in and the citizens wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.Yes it isThe best form of the government because it is according to the nature of the man.A man wants to be free and want to express his thoughts what democracy provides.Unlike monarchy or anarchy system which are against the nature of a man and according to that systems a man become just like a slave who have to follow the orders of the KING or QUEEN.One of the Best Democracy can be called the best form but still it is far better than the other forms of the government. Every one has the right to express himself, people have right of freedom in various sense. Anyone would like to be free and this is what provided by the democracy. Democracy is the bestIn some places, people believe that is not the best. However it is the best because the government cannot do whatever, they still have to follow some laws, and almost everything is voted on. Whenever a vote is taken it is won by majority rules, so the public has a say in everything that goes on with the government. Obviously it isWith a Democracy we can elect people who have similar views as us instead of trusting a king or queen. Yes their are flaws in Democracy but no government is perfect. At least with democracy we have a way to express our thoughts by peaceful protests because, in other countries its against the law to protest.Yes, best form Democracy as defined, is Govt of the People For the P eople By the People. So it's for the people who are given all the rights to choose their leaders, enjoy freedoms as of Expression, Religion, Movement, holding their leaders accountable for the decisions they make on their behalf in governance etc. It's simply the best form of govt because in monarchy and other types of govt the citizenry don't enjoy such privileges.Best form of government Nowadays, there is no ideology with any political party. A majority of the political leaders in our country have become corrupt and selfish. They never care the fact that they are the representatives of the public and they have some duties towards them. Once elected, they forget their promises, which they make at the time of election. Yes it isBecause we get the right to choose the government of our own choice we can do everything . A democratic country is a well developed

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The two most basic types of cells are eukaryotic and prokaryotic

The two most basic types of cells are eukaryotic and prokaryotic. Animal cells fall under the eukaryotic classification while bacteria, which will be the topic discussed, fall into the prokaryotic classification. Bacteria have a wide variety of characteristics, which includes, cell structure, oxygen usage, and source of energy. A cell is the fundamental structural unit of all living things. All cells have a surrounding membrane and an internal, water-rich substance called the cytoplasm. A more or less typical bacterium is comparatively much simpler than a typical eukaryotic cell. Within the eukaryotic cell is genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and organelles. DNA, combined with protein, is organized inside the nucleus into structural units called chromosomes. Cells are made mostly of organic compounds such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. Water makes up 60 to 65 percent of the cell. Bacteria lack the membrane-bound nuclei of eukaryotes; their DNA forms a tangle known as a nucleoid, but there is no membrane around the nucleoid, and the DNA is not bound to proteins as it is in eukaryotes. Whereas eukaryote DNA is organized into linear pieces, the chromosomes, bacterial DNA forms loops. Bacteria contain plasmids, or small loops of DNA, that can be transmitted from one cell to another, either in the course of multiplication or by viruses. This ability to trade genes with all comers makes bacteria amazingly adaptible; beneficial genes, like those for antibiotic resistance, may be spread very rapidly through bacterial populations. It also makes bacteria favorites of molecular biologists and genetic engineers; new genes can be inserted into bacteria with ease. Bacteria do not contain membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria or chloroplasts, as eukaryotes do. However, photosynthetic bacteria, such as cyanobacteria, may be filled with tightly packed folds of their outer membrane. The effect of t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Boy Called It essays

A Boy Called It essays The story A Child Called It, by David Pelzer is one of the most astonishing chronicles about his survival through child abuse. The biography is viewed through the childs eyes for the purpose to help others heal from traumatic pasts. The story of David Pelzers childhood is imperative to be available to readers because of the life lessons the book bestow and the quality of Pelzers compelling writing. A Child Called It is basically about one childs courage to survive. During the 1970s, Pelzers child abuse was recorded to be the third most severe in the state of California. He endured both physical and mental cruelty to his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother, Catherine Roerva. David Pelzer was brutally beaten, starved, and tortured so much that she no longer considered him a son or a boy, but just it. Many lessons can apply to the book and one can interpret the theme in dissimilar ways. I believe the storys primary lesson is that ones courage and willpower is liable to facilitate ones survival. Life will go on no matter how atrocious circumstances seem. I wanted to show the bitch that she could beat me only if I died, and I was determined not to give in, even to death. [Pg. 91] The passage shows David Pelzer willpower and determination; he believed he could win and attain his mothers torture and cruelty. Even though his ambition to survive consisted of loathing his mother, the lesson exemplifies how good determination can result in triumph. Overall, the biography of David Pelzers childhood was ghastly. Though each struggle he goes though, the reader can find himself enduring his pain, comforting his loneliness, and fighting for his will to survive. The detail Pelzer writes gives the readers an awakening to the truth about child abuse. When his mother forces David to eat ammonia, he vividly describes My thro...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 Tips for a Healthy Study-Life Balance at College

5 Tips for a Healthy Study-Life Balance at College 5 Tips for a Healthy Study-Life Balance at College Depending who you ask, college is either a) all about learning and developing skills for adult life; or b) where young people go to behave badly, away from the withering gazes of childhood authority figures. In truth, it’s usually a bit of both. Nobody goes to college if they don’t have at least a passing interest in learning. But being a student is also about becoming independent and trying new things. The key is striking a healthy study-life balance. But how do you make sure you’re making the most of student life without falling behind in your studies? 1. Set Realistic Goals Most of us struggle to achieve a good study-life balance because we take on too much. Going to class and getting assignments done on time is time-consuming enough, so once you add your social life, college societies and a part-time job, your schedule can start looking pretty full. And then you end up feeling like this guy. [Photo: Adrian Sampson] It’s therefore important to set realistic goals at college, taking account of your other commitments and leaving enough time to relax now and then. 2. Get Organized! A regular working routine can help you study efficiently, leaving more time for other activities. Make sure to set aside time in advance if you know you have an assignment due and try your hardest to avoid procrastination. 3. Know When to Prioritize If you find yourself with too much to do, be prepared to let small things slide, which means understanding which tasks are most important and prioritizing them. And in case youre wondering, that doesn’t mean â€Å"not revising for the test because I wanted to go out with my friends on a Wednesday night.† If anything, the opposite is advisable. 4. Eat Healthy and Exercise If you want to throw yourself fully into college life, you’ll need to keep your energy levels up. The best way to do this is by eating healthily and getting regular exercise. 5. Sleep Well (and Get Up Early) As with diet and exercise, getting into good sleeping habits can boost your energy and make it easier to achieve a healthy life-study balance. As such, you should avoid coffee in the evenings and make sure your bedroom is a comfortable sleeping environment. Finally, and we know this won’t be popular, but if you want to make the most of your day you should get up early. Its not that you have to leap out of bed at the crack of dawn; just try to make sure youre fully awake by the time your first class starts!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Case Study Example This paper analyses Sysco’s need for a Business Intelligence Software, its development with software vendor, Business Objects and the implementation and integration decisions. It also looks at the three basic license buying structures available to the company and discusses the most important decision of all which is the quantity of licenses to buy. Sysco is a highly decentralized business system with different regional operations and specialty’s which are independent from each other. All these independent business systems have some form of Business Intelligence systems which had to be replaced. Having a common Business intelligence system would mean that the different operations of the company will have to pay their part of the cost which might reduce their net profits and replace a system which was working properly. Therefore the different operations might resist implementing the new system all over the company. A Business Intelligence system would take care of Sysco’s data mining and extraction needs. It would also help in producing reports and analysis and help in data distribution. Sysco initially decided that it would use the Business Intelligence software to answer only two questions. They were ‘Which additional products would we be selling to each of our customers?’ and ‘Which of our current customers are we most likely to lose?’ The two questions that Sysco decided to address were forward looking and predictive. Answering these questions manually was very time consuming and cumbersome. Automated, quick and constant answers to these questions would be extremely helpful to Sysco as they were integral to the company’s business and would generate a rapid return on investment. By partially implementing the Business intelligence system, the company would become familiar with its scope. Business Objects recommended this approach as it utilized its main competitive advantages of adhoc querying, caching and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Madison and the War of 1812 -was the war of 1812 the first war for Research Paper - 1

Madison and the War of 1812 -was the war of 1812 the first war for manifest destiny - Research Paper Example The strategy for attacking Britain was through Canada which by then was Britain’s colony. American officials were very optimistic about the success of the invasion 1. However, America was to suffer a humiliating defeat at the hands of Sir Isaac Brock, British soldier and administrator in charge of upper Canada(modern Ontario) on the August of 16th,1812.On September 13th,1814, Baltimore’s Fort McHenry after withstanding several hours of Bombardment by the British Navy, the following morning hoisted the American flag, a sight that inspired Francis Scott Key to write a poem called â€Å"The star-Spangled Banner† which would later be adopted as the U.S. national anthem. Notably, Kentucky made contribution of approximately 18,000 troops to the war as a result suffered a very high proportion of the nation’s casualties in the war. However, saw an end to the war and the atrocities through a negotiated settlement which was referred to as the Treaty of Ghent, on Dec ember 24th 1814.Kentucky once again was to feature in a major way through statesman Henry Clay who played an important part in the efforts. By then he was already the house speaker. James Madison’s tenure were particularly dominated by foreign dilemmas especially since they marked the last years of the Napoleonic wars. Noteworthy, when the Embargo Act was repelled, subsequent attempts to reduce tensions at sea included the Non-Intercourse Act, which took effect from March 1809 to May 1810.Importantly, it set the grounds for non-importation or exportation against belligerent nations including France and England as trade with these nations was prohibited. Therefore under the Act trade with all other nations was permissible. But as far as France and Great Britain, trade would resume with whichever nations dropped its restrictions against U.S. but American ships would go wherever they wanted. Furthermore, under the terms

About fear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

About fear - Essay Example Dr. Ivan Kos presents a number of diverse stages of fear. The first is real fear that is based on life experiences and states. If something or someone causes hurt to an individual, there is a reason to fear similar scenarios. The basis of this kind of fear is entirely dependent on past familiarity with emotions that cause tension and mixed interpretations with respect to an individual’s understanding of fear. The second articulates a sense of realistic fear. This focuses on the realities that grounds and drives people to steer clear of risks. The last is the poignant and the larger-than-life fear that heavily reflect on an individual recollecting past occurrences whilst injecting those events into the current state of affairs. Also, this group is particularly applicable to arguments. It generally affects the line of attack of people in dealing with varying positions (Willa 138). Often, conflict is the equivalence of unfulfilled needs and this highlights fears linked to the nec essities. The most prevalent fear in intractable inconsistency is the fear of loss in regard to one’s security or identity. Social groups and individuals recognize themselves in varied ways in the context of language, culture, religion, and race and this renders them opinionated.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Usability training for TUI course developers and usability testing of Essay

Usability training for TUI course developers and usability testing of their courses - Essay Example With the emergence of the virtual schools, the demands for on-line teachers are increasing. However, it is not an easy task since lot of in-service training (both short term and long term) and guidelines have to be provided to the faculty so that the education standard meets the requirement of the students and the institutions. The teachers must move from the image of mere knowledge provider to the more consolidated image of knowledge facilitator through their continuous involvement in the students’ activities by providing them the opportunity to expand and express. First of all, the teachers should be trained to create flexibility in their approach and the strength to undertake experiments with extensive writing skill. For the effective development of the course, it is important to design the materials keeping the target audience at the top priority level. While designing the materials, it is to be kept in mind that the contents should be more specific in accordance to the in stitutional curriculum. These products are continuously evaluated so that the necessary modifications can be implemented to improve the quality. The structure of the material encompasses the activities and their classification, easy navigability, selective use of texts and images, simple language and appropriate presentation. The interactivity has to be imposed as it facilitates a feedback from users enabling the testing of usability. After having decided upon the design, the next step involves the collection of resources such as tools, products, technologies and participants in accordance to the planned objectives. On the basis of development procedure, the roles and responsibilities are segregated. The implementation stage encompasses setting up the technology and tools, effective training for the teachers and students and finally the easy navigation of students. Summative evaluation helps to determine

Colonialism gave nothing to Africa,expect poverty,famine, disease and Essay

Colonialism gave nothing to Africa,expect poverty,famine, disease and underdevelopment. Discuss - Essay Example The past has been so tragic that the future looks hopeless. Undeniably, the only known fact of African development for the foreseeable future is that underdevelopment and poverty will increase and intensify. The hallmarks of underdevelopment in Africa have been the increase in slums, stagnating agricultural production, widening elite mass gap, increase in diseases, foreign debt, and balance of payments deficit. Underdevelopment scholars have contended that the underemployment of human and natural resources and insufficient development was acquired by African nations as a result of historical circumstances such as colonialism, neo-colonialism and slavery. Colonial history of exploitation and extraction has been attributed the continent’s current status. Boahen (1987: 89) notes that there is no doubt that a huge amount of structural attributes of the process of economic underdevelopment has historical roots that go back to past colonial times. Experimental studies have confirmed that there is a connection between a nation’s past colonial experience and its current level of economic development. According to Cooper (2002: 76), colonization of African nations applied a direct effect on the post-colonial arrays of growth and human and physical capital build-up. This paper will focus on underdevelopment and poverty in Africa providing an account of the ancient roots of Africa’s underdevelopment. It will focus on the period before and during colonialism, and the effects of European colonialism on the development of the region. During the pre-colonial period, African nations had well-established laws, customs, ethics, conventions and rituals, which were particularly effective in resolving issues and conflicts both within and outside the community. These institutions were fruitful in overpowering numerous forms of predatory or rent-seeking behaviour (Boahen, 1987: 91). Rent-seeking behaviours are those acts of exploiting the political process in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Usability training for TUI course developers and usability testing of Essay

Usability training for TUI course developers and usability testing of their courses - Essay Example With the emergence of the virtual schools, the demands for on-line teachers are increasing. However, it is not an easy task since lot of in-service training (both short term and long term) and guidelines have to be provided to the faculty so that the education standard meets the requirement of the students and the institutions. The teachers must move from the image of mere knowledge provider to the more consolidated image of knowledge facilitator through their continuous involvement in the students’ activities by providing them the opportunity to expand and express. First of all, the teachers should be trained to create flexibility in their approach and the strength to undertake experiments with extensive writing skill. For the effective development of the course, it is important to design the materials keeping the target audience at the top priority level. While designing the materials, it is to be kept in mind that the contents should be more specific in accordance to the in stitutional curriculum. These products are continuously evaluated so that the necessary modifications can be implemented to improve the quality. The structure of the material encompasses the activities and their classification, easy navigability, selective use of texts and images, simple language and appropriate presentation. The interactivity has to be imposed as it facilitates a feedback from users enabling the testing of usability. After having decided upon the design, the next step involves the collection of resources such as tools, products, technologies and participants in accordance to the planned objectives. On the basis of development procedure, the roles and responsibilities are segregated. The implementation stage encompasses setting up the technology and tools, effective training for the teachers and students and finally the easy navigation of students. Summative evaluation helps to determine

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Consider the challenges of the forensic recovery and examination of Essay

Consider the challenges of the forensic recovery and examination of data from mobile devices - Essay Example The capability of mobile devices has increased as a result of advance in computing ability contributed by advancement of semiconductor technology used in these devices. Due to their size and portability mobile devices have become the vessels of storing, processing and transmitting information. This remarkable development of mobile technology is origin of current security challenges. The involvement of these devices in criminal activities calls for mobile device forensics and data recovery. This paper summarizes the challenges faced in forensic recovery and examination of data from mobile devices. The scope will bring into light challenges associated while carrying forensic analysis of mobile phones and elaborate various analysis techniques. It will also depict the weaknesses of mobile forensic toolkits and procedures and the crossover between phone and computer forensics 1. Introduction Mobile devices have revolutionized communications on every group in the social structure by making connection to the internet hence global information is available at touch of a button. There are slightly above 4 billion users of mobile devices users and the use of these devices in criminal activities is quite widespread and increasing rapidly. The increased usage of mobile devices particularly the mobile phones is entirely attributed to the reduced cost, the introduction of text messaging, multimedia potentialities, custom ring tones, internet connection, and games features among others. Civil and criminal investigations in the day today life and business involve digital mobile devices forensics. These devices can be connected to crime if they are: used as a communication tool in the act of crime, means of committing crime, they contain information and a data warehouse device providing evidence. Mobile devices forensics can be defined as the science of retrieval of digital evidence from mobile devices and entails methods that show how this evidence is retrieved. Mobile devices forensics is achieved through acquiring and analysing data in devices, memory cards and SIM cards. 2. Evidence items Evidence items that can be obtained by forensically examining a mobile device include the following; Name of Service Provider and Unique Id Number that are printed on back of SIM card. International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) and can be retrieved by keying in some commands such as *#06#. Network operators give facility to dial some code for finding it Location Area Identity (LAI) which is stored inside SIM Integrated Circuit Card Identifier (ICCID) is Stored inside SIM and matches the number printed on SIM. International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), a unique id for every network subscriber and is stored inside SIM. Text messages data (SMS), contacts and call logs are stored on both the SIM and mobile device handset. Multimedia messages (MMS), images, sound, videos, WAP/Browser history, emails, calendar items and notes are all stored in mobile phone memory. Some mobile devices retain information of SIM cards used at earlier times. This feature is very limited in mobile devices. MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital

The Discovery Essay Example for Free

The Discovery Essay ‘The Discovery’, by J. C Squire describes a historical event: Christopher Columbus’s ‘discovery’ of the New World on his 1942 expedition across the Atlantic Ocean which initiated the process of Spanish colonisation. The poem has gone by several names including ‘The Caravels, ‘Sonnet’ and ‘There was an Indian’. John Collings Squire (J. C Squire) (1884-1958) was a British poet, writer, historian, influential literary critic and editor of the post WW1 period. He was also a leading poet of the Georgian period. The poem is a simple sonnet; made up of two quatrains and a sestet. The rhyme scheme is abab, cdcd, efegfg. The rhyme creates a steady, forward-moving motion similar to the movement of the waves and the inevitability of the oncoming Spanish vessels reaching the shore. The poet uses simple language and imagery which mirror the uncomplicated life of the Indian from whose perspective this historical event is retold. The discovery of the New World is often related from the perspective of the Spanish colonisers of the 15th and 16th centuries. Squire also reminds us that this was a two-fold discovery as the indigenous Americans discovered a new world of their own. The phrase, ‘an Indian’, in the first stanza lends a sense of anonymity to the identity of the Indian who witnesses the arrival of Columbus. The indefinite article (an) allows us to believe that this Indian represents all Native Americans. The opening line is reminiscent of a folktale. This style suggests a mythologizing of this historical event, infusing it with an element of magic. One might also believe it to be an example of the oral tradition of legends told among Native Americans. Like other Indians, the Indian in the poem ‘had known no change’. His life consisted of gathering shells; a simple way of life that belonged to an old civilisation for which this discovery was sure to be a shock. The alliteration of ‘s/sh’ in the line ‘†¦ along a sunlit beach. Gathering shells’ depicts the calm, serene and uninterrupted life of the natives. He ‘strayed content’ almost aimlessly, along a ‘sunlit beach’, in no rush to go about his simple life. The presence of dawn symbolises the dawn of a new era in the life of the Indian. We are reminded that historical records show that the event occurred at dawn. Light also symbolises knowledge and discovery for both the Spanish and the Indians. The caesura in the third line ‘He heard a sudden, strange commingled noise’ effectively draws our attention to the abrupt change in this tranquil picture. The caesura evokes a sense of confusion in the atmosphere which was once silent but is now filled with an unfamiliar noise. This is created through the use of alliteration and hard consonants. The Indian’s reaction in the last line of the first stanza ‘looked up: and gasped for speech’ indicates how amazed and speechless he was. The caesura in line four ‘Commingled noise: looked up; and gasped for speech’, also denotes the abrupt actions and reactions of the Indian man. The second stanza is linked to the first stanza by means of a further explanation for the sudden change in the first quatrain. The poet evokes the Indian’s tone of amazement and wonder at the appearance of the ‘huge canoes’ that appear ‘by magic’. The idea of magic evokes a contrast between the two civilisations; the superstitious, tribal beliefs of the natives versus the more advanced scientific beliefs of the Spanish. The poet also evokes the serene, tranquil and undefiled setting and one of confusion which is emphasised by the impressive image of these unnatural and unfamiliar sea vessels on the water. The Indian is unfamiliar with these large ships. In fact, he can only describe them in terms of what he already knows, for eg. ‘huge canoes’ and ‘not one oar’. The Indian’s tone of awe is audible even though the poet does not give him a voice. Perhaps, this is to further emphasise the domination and oppression of the Spanish colonisation of the Native Americans stamping out their voice, culture and traditions. The images used in the stanza are simple yet vivid as can be seen through the image of the ‘Bellying cloths’ and ‘Fluttering coloured signs. The second quatrain is stylistically interesting because the poet is conscious of the different perspectives: that of the Indian man who tries to describe these unfamiliar objects by adapting them to those he is familiar with, and that of the reader who has a knowledge of history and immediately recognises the Indian’s attempt to describe the billowing sails, fluttering flags and ‘clambering crews’. The alliteration of the letter ‘k’ sound in the last line of the second stanza ‘And fluttering coloured signs and clambering crews’, reminds us of the confusion and cacophony created by the sailors as they prepare to land. The third stanza, the ‘sestet’, begins with the conjunction ‘And’, linking it to the previous stanzas. There is now a Volta as the focus shifts to the Indian’s reaction to the caravels. There is an even greater use of caesura which creates an abrupt and staccato rhythm which might reflect the fear that has overcome the Indian, maybe his accelerated heartbeat too. The Volta between the second and third stanzas is also evident in the rhyme scheme which suggests the inevitable, impending conclusion to this sighting as the caravels ‘Slant to the shore, and all their seamen land’. The final stanza draws a clear contrast between the native, who is ‘naked’ and ‘alone’ and the numerous sailors disembarking ‘Columbus’ doom-burdened caravels’. The Indian’s nakedness suggests his primitive lifestyle and his defencelessness. The Indian reacts ‘in fear’ and drops his shells. This symbolises the fall of the native civilisation; his face turns white and he also kneels behind a stone. He stares at this monstrous sight and ‘did not understand’ the full impact of what was unfolding before his eyes. The poet’s intention is to make the contrast between the Spanish and the Indian evidently clear and simple to the reader, in order to draw our attention to the other side of the story which is rarely told in history books. This is emphasised by the choice of perspective for the poem. The image of ‘Columbus’ doom-burdened caravels’ is a powerful one, suggesting a grimly mocking or cynical tone because these caravels symbolise the beginning of the corruption of old civilisations. The final image of the sailors landing on shore is ominous, adding to the heaviness that weighs upon the reader’s knowledge of what will inevitably follow. The poem ends abruptly as the poet does not need to tell us anything else due to the readers’ knowledge of what happens next which has been documented in the history books.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Stroke Research: An Introduction

Stroke Research: An Introduction Introduction Research studies the quality of data that produces an outcome to provide knowledge in which can explicate results of intangible and tangible benefits. Developing medical improvements, evaluation is done to suggests a beneficial effect for medical facilities or existing facilities and for use by people to reduce uncertainties, improve effectiveness, and make decisions (Patton, 2008, p. 39). Evaluation is an implementation of valuable data which can gather information and further analyzation from outcome. It employs accurate, visible analyzation to further develop future findings. Several methodologies were employed including Economic Evaluation, Enterprise Systems, Study Selections, meta-evaluations and content analysis of national documents. Furthermore, creating guidelines for greater impact on the body of knowledge for the program specially in health sector. Evaluations helps to attain more accurate and feasible information to improve the effectiveness. Influencing the result of the perspective study for human resource, internal processes, on external opportunities and on management (Diana, 2015). This paper will analyze four evaluative research containing a wide range of data that are used to calculate the impact, outcome, process, economical and output to the society and how it can improve later research or currents studies that are done towards Cerebrovascular accident. Background of the Study Cerebrovascular accident as defined by Department of Neurology and Cerebrovascular Center (2013) is a form of transient ischemic attack that causes potential death, loss of movement or even more complication in the future if not have been treated correctly to the patients. There are several aspects that can cause cerebrovascular accident such as hypertension, diabetes and blockage of blood flow. In a study of the current status of acute stroke in Korea (2008) report that studies in a web-based database of consecutive stroke cases from 12 participating centers. A total of 14,792 ischemic stroke cases were enrolled from the span of 4 years (Rohan, 2014). The study shows that the rate of risk factor that more than 80% are caused by hypertension and diabetes. Revascularization were performed on 1,736 subjects and 34% were endovascular (MOH, 2016). This paper will analyze 5 stroke research as using data across the globe to evaluate the health evaluation towards stroke focusing on their significance, method and quality. Main purpose is to create a data base than can help future findings and to provide a stronger knowledge towards Cerebrovascular accident. Evaluation Studies Economic Evaluation in Stroke Research: An Introduction This review is to assess the relevance of the economic evaluations towards the cost of stroke in different countries. The researcher considered several studies to calculate the future, current data and sensitivity analysis to find intangible and tangible results. Due to governments wanting to reduce expenditure while health care sector are going through interventions due to the increased demand through demographic changes (Sylvia, 2001). The method that was used in this study is mixed method, cross-sectional audit was used to identify the costs-to-costs expenditure and retrospective audit to check the constant changes in the aging population (Sylvia, 2001). The significance of this study concluded that the need of transparent reporting and to carefully clarify these results when decision making. Moreover, this study can also contribute to find the data that can both exploit the cost and successful data that can be used to help make more tangible decisions towards the expenditure for stroke (Sylvia, 2001). Evaluation of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Research Scholarship Program: research productivity and impact. This review is to assess the relevance comparison of both funded and unfunded group in Canada. The researcher considered the unsuccessful and successful funding in the years of 1980/81 to 1989/90 and the productivity and its impact on the individuals. Due to consistency in multiple indicators provides strong evidence that within the 10 years of studies, individuals that are funded has more greater productivity and impact in the body of knowledge in the area of heart and stroke (Armstrong, 1997). The method used in this study is quantitative method, to qualify the understanding of which group is more productive and has a greater knowledge in the area of heart and stroke (Armstrong, 1997). The significance of this study is to determine the unequivocally relation between funding and research success it indicated suggests a beneficial effect. Lastly, this relevance of this study is to have greater knowledge if given with funds to do more research (Armstrong, 1997). Current status of acute stroke management in Korea: a report on a multicenter, comprehensive acute stroke registry. This review is to assess the relevance of diagnostics and variation treatments studies in Korea. The researcher considered the data on the exploit of diagnostics and the variation of treatments at the national level in Korea for acute stroke care. Due to clinical research centers studies aim to describe the stroke statistics and quality of care in Korea and to apply its quality indicators (ByungJin, 2008). The methods used in this study is quantitative method, to qualify the understandings of quality of care and to cover the pretreatment demographics. Due to the high numbers of ischemic stroke cases, the researcher explores the causes of acute stroke in this study (ByungJin, 2008). The significance of this study is to determine the quality of stroke care across South Korea and compare it with that of other countries. Moreover, this study can also be used to understand the main causes of heart stroke and the procedures that are taken (ByungJin, 2008). Adopting CVA To Evaluate Es Benefits Impact On Organisational Effectiveness In Australia This review is to assess the relevance of Enterprise System and the benefits impact it provides in Australia. The researcher of this study needs to consider whether the research of this study has an impact in both internally and externally organizations. Due to the evaluation was based on human resource, internal processes, external opportunities and on management to ensure that competing value approach can have an impact on Enterprise System. This role include knowing the major contribution of competing value approach (Leon, 2012). The methods used in this study is quantitative method, to quantify the benefits of competing value approach towards Enterprise System the researcher explores internally and externally addressing intangible and tangible benefits (Leon, 2012). The relevance of this study is to equally evaluate the benefits of tangible and intangible from both internal and external organization. But this study can also contribute to understand impact on competing value approach towards organization via case studies (Leon, 2012). An evaluation of stroke rehabilitation within Greater Manchester This review is to assess the relevance of the quality of stroke rehabilitation services towards patients and to evaluate the stakeholders opinions in greater Manchester. The researcher of this study considered several methodologies including literature review, case note audit and questionnaires for patients, staff and commissioners. Due to the evaluation studies was to aim to understand the rehabilitation of patients and the difference in priorities and accountability from localities (Alison, 2013). The methods used in this study is qualitative method, to determine the feelings of patients that are being treated with stroke and the rehabilitation process (Alison, 2013). This research is responsible in giving information of how patients feel towards stoke rehabilitation and improvements can be done. Moreover, this study can also contribute to create and understand a better life style for patients who is suffering from a stroke but to also improve its process in the future studies (Alison, 2013). Evaluative reasoning in public-sector evaluation in Aotearoa New Zealand: How are we doing? This review is to assess the relevance of meta-evaluation towards the public-sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. The researcher of this study needs to consider the snapshot of evaluation practice and to insight further investigation. Due to the lack of argument and evidence further research is needed to qualify if the results of the study is confirmed. These factor includes context, funding, time constraints and commissioner requirements (Heather, Robin, and Karen, 2015). The method used in this study is qualitative method, to understand if meta-evaluation or evaluative reasoning practices can be an accredited profession in Aotearoa New Zealand. Due to the importance of evaluative reasoning the researcher explores the relevance reports lack an argument and text that are ambiguous (Heather, Robin, and Karen, 2015). The significance of this study allows researchers find where we are at towards evaluative reasoning and it can also contribute to a more warranted conclusion (Heather, Robin, a nd Karen, 2015). Audit and Evaluation Processes Economic Evaluation in Stroke Research: An Introduction The researcher make use of economical evaluation to determine the expenses of stroke in different countries. Tracking of the record of the costs and consequences to analytically evaluate an outcome. The care cost for cerebrovascular diseases had an increased and governments are looking at wanting to cut cost, but the health care sector are demanding an increase due to demographic changes (Sylvia, 2001). As the main purpose of economical evaluation is to increase an impact on clinical practice, terms of pricing, coverage and imbursement. The study showed an outcome that can maximize the effectiveness for the individual patient and to reduce cost. Why I think the researcher use this type of evaluation is to help make transparent reporting for both cost and effectiveness of decision making (Sylvia, 2001). Adopting CVA To Evaluate Es Benefits Impact On Organizational Effectiveness In Australia The researcher make use of impact and outcome evaluation to determine the effectiveness of competing value approach (CVA) on enterprise system and to establish an outcome on human resource, internal processes, on external opportunities and management (Leon, 2012). The study is about the impact of Competing Value Approach(CVA) in the last ten years towards the Enterprise System on the whole organizations (Leon, 2012). The main purpose of the impact evaluation is to equally evaluate Enterprise System (ES) impact and Competing Value Approach (Leon, 2012). The outcome of this study is to create tangible and intangible benefits on both internal and external organization (Leon, 2012). Why I think the researcher use this type of evaluation is to help address the impact of Enterprise system on the whole organization and to also provide a more understanding of Competing Value Approach on Enterprise Systems (Leon, 2012). Evaluation of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Research Scholarship Program: research productivity and impact. The researcher make use of impact and outcome evaluation to determine whether funded or unfunded individuals can be more productive and have greater body knowledge in heart and stroke area. The study consist of the funding years 1980/81 to 1989/90 inclusive, number of peer reviewed publications and data were collected on 192 individuals to determine a result (Armstrong, 1997). The main purpose of this study is evaluate both funded and unfunded individuals to see which individuals has more impact on the knowledge and productivity (Armstrong, 1997). The outcome of this study shows that funded individuals has more impact on the knowledge and are more productive than individuals that are not funded. Why I think the researcher use this type of evaluation is to determine the unequivocally relation between funding and research success, it indicate a suggestive beneficial effect (Armstrong, 1997). Current status of acute stroke management in Korea: a report on a multicenter, comprehensive acute stroke registry. The researcher make use of input and outcome evaluation to determine the care of stroke patients in Korea at national level. The study had Clinical Research Center for Stroke in April 2008 and to look into covers pretreatment demographics, medical and stroke severity measures, diagnostic evaluation, hyper-acute revascularization, in-hospital management, discharge disposition, quality indicators and long-term functional outcomes (ByungJin, 2008). The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the stroke statistic, quality of care in Korea and to apply its quality indicators. The study showed that it can be used to understand the main causes of heart stroke and the procedure that are taken and how it can improve the quality of stroke care across South Korea (ByungJin, 2008). Why I think the researcher use this type of evaluation is to compare the quality of stroke care towards other countries and how it can improve its quality. Moreover, is to also help future studies to have a better understanding of what improvement and procedure can be taken (ByungJin, 2008). An evaluation of stroke rehabilitation within Greater Manchester The researcher make use of impact and outcome evaluation to determine the rehabilitation services and evaluate the stakeholders opinion. The study analysis 214 separate recommendations from 15 documents. Of these are 21 were relevant to every patient receiving stroke rehabilitation, 13 to overall service provision and 8 related to specific aspects of patient care. These were converted to standards and used to audit the 10 stroke rehabilitation services in Greater Manchester. Patients, staffs and commissioners completed questionnaires to determine the national recommendations of services (Alison, 2013). The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the feeling of stroke rehabilitation for patients and what improvement can be taken (Alison, 2013). Study shows information that will describe the feelings of patients towards rehabilitation, improvements can be done in future studies and reason why I think the researcher use this evaluation is to create future studies and to improve more towards rehabilitation experience, giving satisfaction to patients (Alison, 2013). Evaluation Model PRECEDE-PROCEED Evaluation Model The Predisposing, Reinforcing and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation and Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development (Precede-Proceed) evaluation model is designed for cost-benefit evaluation framework. To help health program planner, policy makers and other evaluators to analyze and design health programs systematic. It gives a comprehensive structure to asses health and quality of life and to design, apply and evaluate health promotions and public health programs. The systematic use of the evaluative model uses a series of clinical and field trials to confirm the advantage and predictive of the model. The main purpose of this evaluation model is to directly put attention to outcomes rather than inputs. It allows planners to start with the desired outcome then work backwards to identify strategies to achieve those objectives (Andrea, Gielen, Tiffany, and Gary, 2017). Source: Surveillance, Planning and Evaluating for Policy and Action : Precede-Proceed Model (2006) The essential components of the evaluation model- is to apply theories of health problems and to design programs to address public health problems underlying important risk and protective factors. The PRECEDE-PROCEED model has been a utility program for practice settings and researchers conducting health changes (Lawrence, and Judith, 2006). The context evaluation main purpose is to evaluate the growing recognition of the health education to enclose policy, regulatory and related ecological/environmental factors, determining health and health behaviors, to improve and to increase scholarly productivity among health education faculty. Furthermore, the evaluative model is not to predict or explain the relationship among factors thought to be associated with an outcome of interest. Rather, the main purpose of it is to provide a structure for applying theories and concepts systematically for planning and evaluating health behavior change programs (Lawrence, and Judith, 2006). This evaluation model may contribute for CVA all around the world, especially for Ministry of Health of New Zealand. It can improve its study target starting from a diverse array of assessment such as social, behavioral, educational and existing policies. Furthermore, auditing the CVA cases can be implemented through predisposing, reinforcing and enabling the studies. Eventually, cases will be evaluated to enhance the quality of life (Lawrence, and Judith, 2006). Conclusion Evaluation research is needed in all aspects of healthcare implementing programs or project to improve an overall effectiveness. It is very important to use the right tools, followed by numbers of reviews and research towards the improvement or success of the organization. This involves education, managers and staffs feedback can develop a thorough guidelines to help improve their systems and policies. Overall, the evaluation research can improve the common good and development of the organization and community can benefit from the outcome and achieving objectives in most efficient ways. References   Ã‚   Alison, M. (2015) An evaluation of stroke rehabilitation within Greater Manchester. Retrieved from : Armstrong, P. (1997) Evaluation of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Research Scholarship Program: research productivity and impact. Retrieved from : Andrea C., Gielen E. M., Tiffany L., Gary L. R., (2017), Ecological Models of Health Behavior. Retrieved from : /community-health/health-promotion/2/program-models/community-organization ByungJin, K. (2008) Current status of acute stroke management in Korea: a report on a multicenter, comprehensive acute stroke registry. Retrieved from : Diana H (2015). Research Evaluation Scope Statement. Retrieved from : Heather N., Robin P., and Karen W., (2015) Evaluative reasoning in public- sector evaluation in Aotearoa New Zealand: How are we doing? Retrieved from : Leon, T. (2012) Adopting CVA To Evaluate Es Benefits Impact On Organisational Effectiveness In Australia. Retrieved from : Lawrence W. G., Judith M. P., (2006). A Framework for planning and evaluation: Precede-proceed evolution and application of the Model. Retrieved from :

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight :: Character Analysis, King Arthur

From all the reputable figures of the tale â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†; the Gawain-poet considered chivalry and the knightly code thee most righteous way to classify a gentleman within the medieval time period. King Arthur, Sir Gawain, and the Green Knight basked in the veneration of their peers and kingdom. Throughout the story these characters was presented in the esteemed glory, however, through the duration of the novella; the storyteller shown that each noble persona contained flaws. By interpreting their strengths and faults, the audience will be exposed to how the storyteller perceived elements of the code and chivalry. Dependent on such character, the differentiation of the regulations and codes will symbolize their role in the tale, further more, will elucidate the hardships of enduring the character. From where â€Å"bold men were bred† (Anonymous, pg.26), the â€Å"most honour[able]† (Anonymous, pg.26) Arthur resided at the renowned Camelot. Arthur being most favorable made his citizens and knights obedient to him and his desires. Sitting in the estate throne concludes that he must: stay faithful to his religion, present nobility and courtesy. As well as, staying chase, when expected, and valiant for his kingdom. Defiantly â€Å"fearless† Arthur is swift to protect and defend his kingdom by taking upon the challenge given from the Green Knight. Consequently, this situation portraits to the reader that valor, honor, and piety are all inevitability affiliated with King Arthur, as it shall be for such leaders. So for him being in a position of wealth and authority, he presents himself as a jejune juvenile. With â€Å"moods of a boy† (Anonymous, pg. 26), â€Å"Arthur would not eat until . . . . he first [was] apprised of some strange story or stirring adventure, or some moving marvel that he might believe in of noble men, knighthood, or new adventures; or a challenger should come a champion seeking† (Anonymous, pg. 26). King Arthur acting like an immature child is the most vile characteristic for the fact that he is king and is expected of holding himself with class and dignity. Though his kingdom and himself is well known, his courtesy is not. Soon after the noble King went to defend his title and reputation, the â€Å"good† Gawain verified his loyalty, courtesy and courage through defending the weaker by taking upon the laborious quest of his lord. Telling the King to â€Å"save your blood in my body I boast no virtue† (Anonymous, pg, 37) brings the initial feel for Gawain.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Employment trends affect Gail Hunter and Selsdon Park hotels Essay

Identify and describe external and internal influences that affect human resources planning. In your discussion relate how each factor might affect human resources within your chosen organisation. Selsdon Park Hotel Introduction: The role of a HR manager is to recruit and train new employees into a business. The business that I am looking at is Selsdon Park Hotel. One of the main roles of the hr management is to employ people into the company. This is called induction training. External influences: external influences are things that affect the human resource manager every day but things that are out of the human resource manager’s control. So all this external influences affect the human resource manager which affects the hr planning Economic Climate: At Selsdon Park Hotel the economic climate will change due to many external factors that may affect the company. This may include government laws coming into play, weather and many other natural factors. Also within many businesses there is a changing money climate will also affect the running of the businesses, the changing money climate would affect the job of Selsdon Park Hotel Resource manager. The changing money climate would affect the HR managers job because of many factors, this include interest rates and training new staff. This could lead to the hotel not having the correct staffing and then the slower running of the business. The stock market could play a part in this. For example in a poor economy many customers would have less disposable income. Selsdon Park Hotel with the lost of many of its customer would be making less profit which would lead to reducing non-essential staff. High and low interest rates would also have an effect on the economic climate which would infl uence the human resource planning. With higher interest rates people would have less disposable income and vice versa. Consumer Trends: Money within any business would depend on the selling of rooms at Selsdon Park Hotel. There are many factors which affect the consumer trends. This includes the amount of leisure time they customers have. Often in many the companies the higher your role in that organisation the less leisure time you have. Many companies do tend to aim a lot of there higher priced holidays at people with larger disable incomes which include senior managers etc. Also with the introduction of the internet the selling of holidays has increased greatly. Instead of people waiting around for hours in travel agencies, it is easier and less hassle to log onto the internet and choose your holidays online. Also you get the best deals on the internet. With the travel agents, they do tend to try and sell you the most expensive holidays but online you can get some great flight deals with Ryan air. This affects the job of the human resource manager because the manager must adjust and adapt to the trends of the consumer. And to adapt to the liking of the consumer the Human Resource manager must make sure that the employees within the business are up to date with new procedures implimented by HR. Employment trends Employment trends affect Gail Hunter and Selsdon Park hotels HR department greatly. Many people go for jobs which are seen as popular at the time. For example many students other the summer holidays like to have holiday rep jobs in Europe or would try to find jobs in hotels doing the summer also. This could affect the staff planning of Hail Hunter because there is a lot of competition in the area for hotel staff. These include Croydon Park hotel, Jury’s Inn and the Hilton hotel .Selsdon Park Hotel would have to make sure that there positions at waiters look more desirable through there advertisement and job description through the recruitment department. State of the industry: The state of the travel and tourism industry affects the job of the Human Resource Manager a lot. This is because if a new resort or destination becomes available for customers to visit the HR manager would have to train thier staff to so they can market the destination to the customers. Also with new technologies the HR manager would have a larger budget and then would be able to employ a larger work force or give out incentives to current employees Skill shortages: As in many companies there may be a shortage in the skills needed to do a specific job. This may be because the company may not be able to find a suitable applicant and may have to put someone else with similar or not the desired skills in there place. Taking this action may lead to slow running of the company and stress being put on the staff below and on the level of these staff members. At Selsdon Park you have to get through specific process to become an employee in the business. Gail Hunter who is Selsdon Park hotels Personnel Manager or Human Resource Manager would have to select applicants and short list them down to the top 50. There are many skills needed. For example to become a Selsdon Park Hotel waiter you must have obtained the following skills first: Ideally you would need to have at least two years experience within this role, preferably within the hotel environment or quality restaurants. You must be a team player with good supervisory skills to enable you to assist in the day to day running of the kitchen and to ensure that a first class service is provided to our guests. You will be required to cook to a minimum AA one rosette standard. The hotel has a busy restaurant, extensive banqueting and a successful pub operation . There are a number of requirement that u need to become a member of Selsdon Park hotels staff. These are as follows * Experienced in a customer services environment & comfortable in a selling role * Physically fit with a good attendance record in your current position * Hard working, flexible & willing to operate on a shift roster * Over 18 years of age * Of normal vision (contact lenses acceptable) * Able to swim well * In possession of a valid EU passport * Fluent in English (both written and spoken) * Ideally possessing knowledge of a second European language * Prepared to work unsociable hours, any day of the year, at any time including weekends * Ready to meet the challenge of dealing with people and demanding situations * Friendly and outgoing with a lively personality As you can see from the skills required Selsdon Park hotel ask a lot from people who want to join there team. As the Human resource manager, you would have to go applications and cvs to try and find the best persons for the job who fit the criteria needed. With many applicants who do not have the skills required but who are accept on the job through a interviewing basis may need extra training, and may have to go on training courses. This would take a slice out of Gail hunters Selsdon Park hotels Human Resource manager’s budget. Location issue: The locations of Selsdon Park hotel may be a problem for the human resource planning for the hotel. This is because of the accessibility of the skilled staff the company needs to the airports are poor. This is when the human resource manager would have to decide carefully the most skilled staff they need for the hotel and how much out of the budget they would have to get. Also with people who live an extremely long way from the hotel there are living quarters on site which they could use. Competition for employees: When looking for specific employees needed to do a job in Selsdon Park hotel there may be external competition from other companies to employ this person also. For examples if there is a shortage of waiters companies within Croydon may all try to compete for the same person. These hotels include Croydon Park hotel and juries inn. Each of these hotels will advertise them selves in such away and would try to make them seem better to work at then the other one. They would try and sell there business to the potential employee. They would mainly do this through advertisement. Selsdon Park also has a website which explains jobs available and the pros and benefits of the job. Weather: Natural factors like the weather can also play a big part in the decisions of a HR manager. If the weathers get very serve and spoils the activates they have planned for the day outside it is up to the HR manager Laws: Also there are many laws which affect the role of the Human resource manager. These include laws and regulations that the manager has to go by. When selecting and employing people into the business the HR manager at Selsdon park hotel has to look go by the following laws. This are: 1 Equal opportunities law 2 Race relation act 3 Sex Discrimination act 4 Equal pay act Each of these acts must be follow by law and if these acts are not followed it could lead to an industrial tribunal. This laws and acts are in place to help the HR manager at Selsdon Park hotel not hinder them. If all this laws are followed correctly the HR manager would select the best person for the position applied regardless of race or sex. Internal Factors: Staff Turn Over: Within an organisation there is a number of staff they employ. In many companies like Selsdon Park Hotel they try to limit the amount of staff turn over. This is because of the costs that the company would be paying out in redundancies to the employed affected if Selsdon Park hotel does not have a valid reason. Staff turn over is a term used by a business to describe the coming and leaving of people within the company. The higher the staff turn over the more the business would suffer because the coming and leaving of people would use up resources needed by the HR manager and would also affect the businesses productivity Responding to consumer trends in terms of products and services: It is also the job of the human resource manager to respond and cater to the consumer trends in the products and services of a company. In Ryan air they would analysis the best selling product and also see why the other flight packages are not selling. They would look at there flight prices and compare them against other short haul flight providers in Europe. Staff Turner Over, Career Moves: Staff turn over is to do with the number of staff leaving and joining a company. It is the job of Selsdon park hotels human resource manager Gail Hunter to make sure they have the lowest amounts of staff turner over. This affects the human resource manager because it is his job to employ people to work in the company who have the right skills needed to perform the job correctly. Any human resource manager with a large amount of staff leaving and coming into the business would have a lot of work on there hands. This would be because they would have to go through job interviews and selection processes. Doing all this would take up a lot of the manager’s time so it is the human resources mangers job to make sure everyone in the company is well catered too, and are also satisfied with there job. Sickness rates and Absenteeism: Human resource managers have to monitor the sickness and absenteeism in the company to make sure no one is taking to much time off and also whether to give out sickness pay which if a lot of people are off at one time would take a large slice out of the HR budget. Organisational structures, staff roles and responsibilities: It is the job of Gail Hunter to monitor the organisational structures and staff roles in Selsdon Park hotel. The organisational structure is the structure that controls a company and dictates who you report to and who reports to you. A group of people for example cabin crew are control and overseen by a team leader which in turn reports to customer relations manager. This hierarchy is critical in the business so that all the employees know there jobs and rolls. Laws: There are lot of laws which Selsdon Park Hotel must follow to make sure of the smooth running of the business. Because Selsdon Park hotel is also a restaurant and serves food they must follow the food safety Act 1990. This act requires that owners and operators of food businesses take all reasonable precautions and exercise due diligence to ensure that they comply in every respect with current food legislation. Another thing which is tied to the food laws is personnel hygiene which when handling food must be very good with long hair tied back and also hats worn when preparing food. Source: Principal Hotels employee handbook Age of Employees: Also the age is a main factor which companies have to be aware of. They can’t employ anyone under the age of 16 by law or the company could be prosecuted. Also many companies try not to employ women of a certain age. This is usually 20-30. Companies should not do this but they do because women at these ages are more likely to have children. So if a company employs a large amount of women at this age they would have to pay out maternity leave if they have children within this time. Training Organisation: It is the responsibility of Gail Hunter the Director of Human Resources at Selsdon Park Hotel to make sure all her staffs are trained well. The organisation must make sure the new employee in training noses about hazards and risks within the workplace. It would be the job of the training person to tell the trainee the hazards and risks within the workplace and also to deal with them. These hazards may include: 1 Torn or ripped carpets 2 Broken furniture 3 Overloaded sockets 4 Loose flexes 5 Trailing cables 6 Overloaded tables/shelving 7 Spillages 8 Broken Glass 9 Rubbish accumulating Most of these hazards seem simple and straight forward but when entering a new workplace the simple list of tasks may seem daunting .Another thing they will teach the new employee would be risk assessments. Risk assessments are where hazards are identified and the risk is identified from this hazards. The new employee is also told where the first aid boxes are so that if an accident does happen they can quickly deal with it. In Selsdon Park Hotel the first add boxes are situated: 1 Housekeeping department 2 Kitchen 3 Reception 4 Room Service 5 HR 6 Greens department 7 The Restaurant 8 Conference and Banqueting Vale try Source: Principal Hotels employee handbook The HR and staff are very important to the business. This is because the HR department manage the staff to make sure they are proforming well and that their needs are catered to. It is also the job of the HR department to make sure that all the employees are up to date with all the new legislation and laws implemented to company. Also HR has to make sure that all the employees are trained well. This is so important because when in the eye of the customer the employee has to know what they are doing when taking down bookings and other such things. The lack of training could lead to the company loseing large amounts of money and also customers who would look for other organisations. If all staff are trained well and know what they are doing the performance of company is going to be better, and also the employees will feel more confident when dealing with customer service and company situations.

Scenario Analysis

In this case, there is an ethical dilemma in that I am visiting my friends place as a friend and not as an officer. Therefore, my friends would not want me to act on anything that I notice strange as an officer. On the other hand, whatever is happening is illegal and I just cannot let it go. As Fuller, (1975) says, one needs to act out of principles and leaving these people doing drugs is not at all a sign of a principled person. Since doing drugs such as cocaine is illegal, the law requires that an officer who notices such an activity take immediate action such as arresting the victim or the person in the possession of the drugs. The criterion that would guide me in this case is assessing the effect of what these people are doing, to themselves and to the large majority. It is illegal to do such drugs and therefore if I stop them, I will have done more good than harm. I would therefore consider the effect of stopping these people from doing drugs being greater that losing friendship. The first thing that I would do is to look for my friend and try to find out whether he is aware of the people who are doing drugs at the party. However, his outcome would not change my mind. If he says that, he is aware of these people doing drugs, I would tell him that this is illegal and leaving them as an officer is unethical on my part. If he does not know, I would inform him of some people who are doing drugs within his compound. I would then try to convince him that whether he knows this on not, the fact is that the act is illegal and wrong and that I would go ahead and arrest these people. I would try to convince him the effects and the dangers that these friends who are doing drugs are exposing to all the other people in the party. I would then go ahead and make arrests of these people. Scenario 2 What I do at the community policing office is out of my free will and the passion to serve the community. I therefore do not expect that someone out there should bring me any type of gift as a sign of appreciation. I believe in honest and a world that is free of corruption. In this case, the ethical dilemma presented is the fact that the person who visits me comes after I have done something for him. Even though the timing is good, the intentions of the gift are not good and therefore I would not feel right accepting it. The reason is that I would consider such a gift a bribe as he presents it behind the counter and only after I had served him. (Fuller, 1975) In this case, I would try to explain to him that I do not feel comfortable accepting the gift and much less behind the counter. I would try to explain to him that I served him not as a favor but because it is the right thing to do and I enjoy doing it. There is therefore no need for him to show that gesture as a sign of appreciation. I would try to reject the gift and at the same time not make him to see as if he was bribing me. If he insists, I would advise him to address the gift to the organization through the counter and assure him that I will surely get it. In this case, the gift will be an appreciation to the organization and the entire organization staff members will take the fruits. Scenario 3 There is an ethical dilemma in this case in that, there are some people who still do not appreciate homosexuality and therefore they cannot accept it. This means that such an officer may not give the best to the force as he is working under conditions that he does not appreciate. On the other hand, the law prohibits any form of discrimination and if I agree to Officer Davis wish and assign him to another officer, I would look as if am acting out of discrimination. I believe that we should not discriminate any person on basis of skin color, sexual orientation or any other basis. Just because Officer Davis does not like Officer Jones’ private life does not mean that they cannot work together. (Fuller, 1975) The first thing that I would do is to try to get the reason why Officer Davis wants to another officer assigned to him. I would try to get the real reason whether it is because Officer Jones is makings some unwelcomed sexual advances to office Davis or whether it is just because Officer Jones is a homosexual. If there happen to be no cases of sexual advancement, then I would not assign Officer Davis to another officer. I would explain to him that we should try to be professional in our duties and we should not interfere with other people’s private life. Officer Jones’ sexual orientation is private and it does not interfere with his professional duties. There is no reason to feel inferior or inappropriate working with him not unless he is making some sexual advances to Officer Davis, which Officer Davis does not like.