Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Impacts of the Internet on Journal Publishing

Introduction The Internet has transformed the way in which knowledge is disseminated, discoveries are shared and traditional business model of academic journal is operated in the electronic environment. At the same time, Internet as a medium also construct a completely new model of knowledge learning and distribution, which is the Open Access, funded by author-pay, institutional sponsorship, advertising, etc. As a result, the full text of content is free to all the readers around the world. However, negative impacts are brought to both readers and authors simultaneously. For example, authors have the responsibility to pay the publication fee and academic journals are incentivized by the OA to publish more journals, which will affect the overall quality and thus, the whole publication infrastructure of the OA model is not sustainable in the long run. Though not denying these impediments, this essay concentrates on the positive impacts of the Internet on journal publishing from the viewpoint of aca demic journals. Drawing the work of various scholars and taking Wiley Open Access as a case study, this essay identifies the impacts of the Internet on academic journal publishing by examining dynamic changes in practices and behaviors of readers and authors. I seek not to cover all the aspects, but to paying particular attention to scholarly communication. Impact of the Internet on journal publishing Academic journals have remained outstandingly unchanged in terms ofShow MoreRelatedMcsweeney s Publishing : An American Non Profit Publishing House1211 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction McSweeney s Publishing is an American non-profit publishing house founded by editor Dave Eggers in 1998, based in San Francisco. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Social Theories of Karl Marx and Maw Weber - 789 Words

There are many sociological issues in the world today that can relate back to the concept theories that Karl Marx and Max Weber formed many years ago. Although there are too many for us to go further in depth on, I chose to primarily focus on Racism and Classism. With the perspectives of these theorists in mind I can explain how Racism, Classism, in conjunction with Feminism are among the largest social problems human beings face in the world today. Both theorists have different theories of the social concept Classism, however they are not that much different from one another. Karl Marx utilizes the term â€Å"proletariat† to refer to the working class. Marx views the members of each class as sharing their own distinctive culture. Max Weber†¦show more content†¦This allows us to raise our brows to the problems with socialism, and where the government is failing us. Marx used the concept of â€Å"class consciousness† to refer to a subjective awareness held by members of a class regarding their common vested interests and need for collective political action to bring about social change. According to Marx, class is qualitatively different from gender and race and cannot be considered just another system of oppression. Globally racism and sexism differs depending on the situation, but in nature produces the same issues. Racism is a major social problem in more than just one part of the world. There is not a connection between certain races and how they are treated in similar countries, there is a drift among racially divided cultures. For example, 1/4 white men who use coke are caught for it while 1/17 black men who use it are caught. The number of white to black users are the same, however the conviction rate is very different. Feminism is another social problem troubling human societies all over the world. Feminism is an issue of Dominance of Men over Women around the world. The feminist theory is a result of the general movement to empower women worldwide. According to Weber feminism can be defined as a

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Principals of Financial Markets Management

Question: Discuss about the Principals of Financial Markets Management. Answer: Introduction: The following piece of assignment focuses on conducting a top down analysis of airline industry operating globally as well as on the domestic grounds of Australia. The researcher has undergone an extensive analysis of the airline industry and the research outcome has thoroughly been discussed. The researcher has also provided a substantial judgment for the changes that have occurred in the profit generating capacity and working procedure in these companies. For the purpose of highlighting the changes the researcher has further done the bottom up analysis of the two major airline companies operating in Australia that are Qantas Airways Ltd and Virgin Blue Ltd. On the analysis of these two companies, the researcher has found out the changes that have occurred in the working structure of the companies and the ways through which the profitability of the same were affected. The researcher has done a detailed analysis of the finances of the companies to justify the changes. Top-down Analysis: In the global economy the recent times have witnessed a phase of increase in the operational cost of the airline industry and the deterioration in the same. According to Snider and Williams (2015),it has also been analyzed that the airline industries around the economy is in a state of complete chaos via an extensive research of the industry. Here, the micro perspective of the airline industry comprises of the general economic environment that the firms operate in or will be operating. As stated by Zhang et al. (2013), in order to ascertain the existing available environment for the proper functioning of the firms, pestel analysis forms to be one of the essential tools. In this context, the industrial economic analysis of the working overall environment has further been described as follows: Industrial Economic Environment In the process of understanding the industrial economic environment the GDP, interest rate and currency value of Australia is evaluated. In the second quarter of 2016 the country witnessed a GDP growth of 3.3 % annually compared to the 3.1% registered in the March quarter. In 2015 the economy of the country stood at GDP of AUD$ 1.62 trillion. The interest rate is decided by the Reserve bank of India and also known as cash rate stood at 1. 5% in August 2016 and it is lowest rate compared to the average rate that stands at 4.86%. On the other hand the currency rate of AUD can be expressed as 1AUD is equivalent to 0.758 USD or 0.68 or 0.58 GBP. Thus 1 USD is equal to 1.33 AUD. The airline industries all over the world are under the supervision of the political measures which may not be favorable for the economic working environment of the airline industry. In the words of Dai et al. (2014),as per the rules of the political regulation, the passengers hold more importance in comparison to the airline companies. In addition to the above, the intensive competition among the airline companies along the regulatory political measures are compelling the firms to occur at a situation where in the consumers or passengers take the lead in controlling the price of the tickets and the other various amenities and taking it to a lower level. However, the trading policies of the airline companies operating in Australia are good. According to Chen and Chen (2012), the prime focus of the trading policy in Australia is to break down the barriers of trade through the implementation of the regional, multilateral as well as bilateral trading policies. In this context, the two biggest airline companies operating in Australia namely Qantas and Virgin Blue are mainly concentrating on providing its services to the business travelers that are frequent and are in large number of quantity from all over the world. Here, it is mandatory for the companies to follow the factors listed in the Corporate Social Responsibility scheme. As opinioned by Borenstein and Rose (2014), the Australian airline companies also require considering the international issues to avoid the chances of damage to the culture and breaking of the international laws. As per the current political atmosphere of Australia, the working environment for the airline companies is adequate because the country is not engaged in war like situations with the other countries. According to Bilotkach and Lakew (2014), the following adequacy for the working operations provides an opportunity to the airline companies to serve the business class travelers all around the globe along with the leisure trip travelers that may help the companies to gain more sales as well as profits. Due to the stability of the government in a country like Australia, the political intervention is minimal on the working procedures of the airline firms. In the words of Sivrikaya and Tun (2013), most of the developed countries around the globe have been dealing with the outcomes of recession which has also laid an impact on the airline industry. The lowering of the rate of economic growth along with the constant fluctuation of the oil prices have been the largely contributing factors towards the stagnant development of this particular industry. According to Johnston and Ozment (2013), The leading issues that the airline companies are dealing with comprises of hike in the prices of fuels, increase in the demand of labors, rise in the cost of maintenance and an increment in the cost of operations along with the reduction in the quantity of consumers and intense competition from the rival firms serving the customers at apparently lower prices. Besides, the incidence of the disappearing airplanes that is the Malaysian airplane has further added to the difficulties to be faced by the other airline companies globally. As stated by Baker (2013), on account of a lower rate of unemployment in the country, the demands of the workers have increased leading to a crisis of trained and fully skilled workers for conducting the works of the airline firms. Hence, the companies require finding out the alternative ways of having an access to the maximum number of skilled employees. However, an increased rate of export of Australia works in favor of the airline companies by generating opportunities of serving the frequent travelers of the freight transfer. As per the words of Merkert and Cowie (2012), Australia has also witnessed significant changes in its social environment due to increment in the quality as well quantity of service of the consumers. The firms require steadying their costs in order to serve the rising demands and derive the maximum revenue. The literacy rate of Australia is high due to which the customers have a more economical approach forcing the airline firms to adopt the approach of being a consumer friendly business firm. In the view of Misopoulos et al. (2014), the recent technological advancements have reduced the need of one to one business conferences and meetings that has further lead to a decrease in the demand of business class tickets. As stated by Hansen et al. (2013), owing to the rise in the excessive competition among the airline companies, there is a need to develop new technological procurements that may lure the customers bringing in more revenue to the companies than their rival firms. These technological advancements may also cut down the fuel requirements and minimize the cost of operations as well. This may also lead to an increased work efficiency of the employees along with the companies. In context of the reports published by the International Air Transport Association the demand of the airline industry displayed an increase of 6.5 percent than the proceeding year in 2014. In the view of Brueckner et al. (2015), a lower rate of fair charges has been determined to be the major reason for this increase in demand. As per the reports, the annual revenue generating capacity of the companies increased to a percentage of 5.6. Hence, it may be said that the airline industries have derived the strongest results in the year 2015as compared to the previous five years. The domestic airline industry operating in Australia has also portrayed a similar response. An increase of 6.3 percent has been seen in the business growth of such companies. As observed by Zhang et al. (2014),these companies are dealing with a restricted profit margin that may be overcome given the companys focus on lowering down the excessive operational costs and increasing the revenue growth via attaining maximum satisfaction of the consumers. As stated by Akbar et al. (2014), the economic health of a particular country speaks aloud about its industrial growth. The economic indicators of the industrial wellbeing help to determine the economic status of that particular industry. These economic indicators mainly consist of the gross domestic product or GDP, per capita income, industry production, disposable income, scale of business along with the consumer satisfaction and confidence. According to Ramdas et al. (2013), the continuity of fluctuation in the fuel prices also plays a major role in the profitability of the airline companies. In this regard, it may be said that the economic growth of the origin country and the economic growth of the industry operating in the same country are very closely associated. Therefore, the economic indicators and the rising and falling trends of it lay a significant impact on the numbers of passengers along with the magnitude of freight. Bottom-Up Analysis: In the words of Lawton et al. (2013), the basic purpose of conducting a swot analysis is to focus on the business organizations micro perspectives. The main aim of this analysis is to establish an association between the objectives of the organization and the strategic planning of the same. According to Sancho-Esper et al. (2016), the analysis further helps to define the unique features of the particular business firms that makes it different from its rival firms and thereby helps to gain a competitive advantage simultaneously. Besides, the weak points of the business entity can also be determined through this analysis and thus may help to improve the working process. In this context, the researcher has thoroughly discussed the changes that can be witnessed in the profitability and financial ratios of the two major airline companies operating in Australia that is Qantas Airways Ltd and Virgin Blue Ltd. Financial Ratios and Growth Profitability of Qantas Airways Ltd Key Ratios - Profitability Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Margins % of Sales Gross Margin 73.77 56.83 55.77 55.24 55.62 51.72 54.6 49.83 54.01 Operating Margin 6.9 5.83 1.39 -1.55 -0.63 -6.6 1.28 -26.19 4.92 Profitability Asset Turnover (Average) 0.78 0.8 0.73 0.67 0.7 0.71 0.77 0.81 0.89 Return on Assets % 3.71 4.93 0.59 0.56 1.23 -1.17 0.02 -15.16 3.2 Liquidity/Financial Health Current Ratio 0.87 0.74 0.89 0.93 0.9 0.77 0.82 0.66 0.68 Quick Ratio 0.82 0.67 0.78 0.81 0.78 0.65 0.7 0.58 0.6 Financial Leverage 3.17 3.44 3.5 3.35 3.39 3.6 3.4 6.05 5.09 Debt/Equity 0.68 0.62 0.86 0.86 0.89 0.92 0.88 1.84 1.39 Efficiency Receivables Turnover 11.64 11.2 11.69 12.43 13.59 13.95 12.49 11.52 14.41 Inventory Turnover 15.45 34.34 27.64 20.94 18.45 19.25 19.51 22.33 22.36 Fixed Assets Turnover 1.23 1.28 1.19 1.08 1.1 1.07 1.14 1.25 1.46 Asset Turnover 0.78 0.8 0.73 0.67 0.7 0.71 0.77 0.81 0.89 The given table of profitability and financial ratios of Qantas Airways shows that the gross margin of the company have been decreasing in the preceding years whereas it has subsequently shown an increase in the recent years. According to Brueckner and Picard (2013), the gross margin of a firm may be calculated by subtracting the amount of revenue from sales from the cost of the goods sold. On the contrary, the operating margin of a firm consists of the revenue collected after the operating expenses have been deducted from the total revenue generated. It is evident from the given table that the Qantas Airways Ltd has experienced an improvement in the recent years than the earlier years. In the words of Zou et al. (2014),a higher rate of economic growth is associated with the rate of improvement of the operating margin of a business entity. As opinioned by Rosenthal et al. (2013),the capability of a business entity in paying off the liabilities of the same with the company assets help s to understand the status of the companys current ratio. The assets by which the liabilities may be paid off mainly consist the cash balance of the company, its accounts receivables, the inventories as well as market securities and similar other things. In addition to the above, it can also be analyzed from the given table that the current ratio of this airline company has also improved in the recent years. This in turn indicates that the company has become more efficient in paying off its liabilities. In the words of Wang et al. (2016),the efficiency of the company in generating the maximum amount of credit and the collection of debts based on that credit is depicted through the receivables turnover ratio of the Qantas Airways Ltd. The growth of this ratio makes it evident that Qantas Airways lends cash and also collects cash on credit for the purpose of funding its business purposes. Besides, the ability of the company to assist the sales based on the capacity of the assets of the same determines the strength of the asset turnover ratio of Qantas Airways Ltd. In order to facilitate this, the firm will require comparing and drawing a conclusion of the net sales of the company with that of the average total sales of the same. A slow rate of growth of the asset turnover ratio is depicting the stagnant development of Qantas Airways due to the disability of the firm in increasing the number of sales. Financial Ratio and Growth Profitability of Virgin Blue Ltd Key Ratios - Profitability Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Margins % of Sales Gross Margin _ _ 71.2 _ 72.28 73.33 71.77 71.91 74.68 Operating Margin 14.76 6.09 -7.58 2.87 -1.5 1.56 -3.43 -8.86 -2.41 Profitability Asset Turnover (Average) 0.94 0.82 0.78 0.82 0.85 1 0.95 0.95 0.9 Return on Assets % 9.36 3.46 -4.77 0.59 -1.76 0.58 -2.33 -7.81 -2.12 Liquidity/Financial Health Current Ratio 1.1 0.88 0.53 0.76 0.65 0.65 0.54 0.64 0.69 Quick Ratio Financial Leverage 3.1 3.61 5.83 4.15 4.15 4.3 4.26 4.46 5.37 Debt/Equity 1.02 1.28 2.68 1.65 1.52 1.53 1.46 1.52 2.16 Efficiency Receivables Turnover 39.09 34.45 28.91 26.41 22.52 24.24 23.14 20.83 20.51 Inventory Turnover _ _ _ _ 177.65 104.38 50.38 36.68 30.87 Fixed Assets Turnover 1.52 1.23 1.04 1.1 1.19 1.42 1.38 1.51 1.63 Asset Turnover 0.94 0.82 0.78 0.82 0.85 1 0.95 0.95 0.9 In the year 2015, as can be seen in the above table, the gross margin of Virgin Blue has increased tremendously as a result of the reduction of the revenue of the company from the cost of the goods sold by the company. Here, the operating margin of Virgin Blue is considered to be the outcome achieved after the revenue has been deducted from the cost of the goods sold by the company. The liabilities of the company are to be paid by the assets of the company that constitutes of the current ratio of the firm. However, as depicted in the above table, Virgin Blues current ratio has improved reflection upon its efficiency in paying the liabilities. The previous years were consequently suffering from a lower current ratio that has steadily become stable in the year 2015. The current ratio of a firm is helpful in the determination of the abilities of the company of using the assets in disposing the liabilities of the company. According to the profitability and financial ratios table of Virgin Blue, the fluctuation of the receivables turnover among the given years reflects that the company has been facing few difficulties in generation of credit and lending of money for the business purposes. As stated by Pearson et al. ( 2015),the ratio of assets turnover shows the sales that the company is able to generate from its assets. Besides, the given table also displays from the changes in the assets turnover that the sales of the company are largely affected all through the stated years. The given table also shows the quantity of financial leverage and the debt equity ratio of the Virgin Blue, Australia. According to Reynolds-Feighan (2013), the term financial leverage explains the debt taken by the company to use it in the purchase of assets and the debt equity ratio helps a company to measure the financial leverage of the same. The amount of debt may not necessarily be equal to the shareholders fund. An increase in the debt equity may not be favorable for the company in the long run. The investors may also be reluctant to invest in a company with high debt equity as it would lead to chances of bad debts. This further illustrates that the companies demonstrating high debt equity may not be able to attract the investors. Conclusion On the completion of the following piece of research work was aimed analyzing the Airline industry on a global platform as well as on the domestic platform of Australia. The researcher has undergone a top down analysis in order to understand the cause of the changes that are taking place in the Airline industries all around the globe. The stated few changes have led the airline industries to experience a reduction in the demand for their service which in turn hampers the profitability and subsequently decreases their productivity. The major reason of choosing this industry is that very less amount of research has been done in this regard which provided an opportunity to the researcher to enlarge the scale of research work. Further, the findings of the current research work may also prove to be beneficial for the airline companies in identifying the reasons behind the occurrence of these changes and take remedial measures for the same. In addition to this, the researcher has further done a detailed analysis of the profitability and financial ratios of the two major airline companies operating in Australia. The prime reason for conducting this analysis was to understand the effect of the causes on the workings of a company in a better way. In order to justify the stated outcome the researcher has also provided the profitability table of both the companies. The researcher has also made use of subsequent references from different journals and authors to support the given research work. Based on the analysis of the two airline company namely Qantas Airways and Virgin Blue, Australia by conducting top down analysis and bottom analysis using the pestle and swot framework it is evident that the company is exhibiting a decreasing trend in the sales margin and profitability. This is mainly attributed to the economic recession faced by the world economy in the recent tome coupled with the growing competition and rising operation cost of the airline industry. The financial ratio and growth profitability of both Qantas Airways and Virgin Blue is able to improve in terms of gross margin, operating margin and profitability in the last financial year 2015. It shows a positive sign for the industry. Recommendation It is recommended based on the reversing trend in the airline industry in the last year that the company should focus on customer loyalty program to improve the customer retention and improve the sales margin and profitability in the future. It should also promote service differentiation as the selling point to differentiate from the low cost players to attract the potential customers. Reference List: Akbar, Y., Nmeth, A. and Niemeier, H.M., 2014. Here we go again the Permanently Failing Organization: An application to the airline industry in Eastern Europe.Journal of Air Transport Management,35, pp.1-11. Baker, D.M.A., 2013. Service quality and customer satisfaction in the airline industry: A comparison between legacy airlines and low-cost airlines.American Journal of Tourism Research,2(1), pp.67-77. Bilotkach, V. and Lakew, P.A., 2014. On sources of market power in the airline industry: Panel data evidence from the US airports.Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,59, pp.288-305. Borenstein, S. and Rose, N.L., 2014. How airline markets work or do they? Regulatory reform in the airline industry. InEconomic Regulation and Its Reform: What Have We Learned?(pp. 63-135). University of Chicago Press. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Pediatric Physical Therapy Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT)

Questions: a) What is the basis for utilizing this type of intervention for children with cerebral palsy? b) Why is this intervention being investigated? Is there a lack of supportive evidence or are there controversies surrounding this type of intervention? c) Do the results of the study or summary of the study adequately support the efficacy of this intervention for children with cerebral palsy? Answers: Physical Therapy Intervention used for Children with Cerebral Palsy Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT) has been considered as one of the most well-known approach that is associated to the children suffering from cerebral palsy. One of the most effective perspective associated to Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT) highlights towards treatment of control groups. The results, which are found to be included with innovative treatment modalities, are compared to the results of NDT applications. The effectiveness of NDT continues to be in a factor of debate (Verschuren et al., 2013). It is definitely not the only approach associated to the pediatric therapy. Thus, it is often subjected to various pros and cons which are been estimated by the researchers associated to this domain. The strength training, mainly for the children suffering from cerebral palsy along with partial body weight supported ambulation training are considered as the two contemporary approaches which are found to be allied to the development of the children. Basis for the Utilization of the Intervention for Children with Cerebral Palsy NDT is an effective and efficient approach which is mainly based on the theories of reflexes, maturation and hierarchic science. This approach is highly influenced by the factor of occupation, speech therapy and physical development of a child suffering from cerebral palsy. When a child suffers from the impairment of Central Nervous System, they tend to have an affected posture control against gravity (Figueroa Yu, 2014). Thus, the goal of establishing a normal functioning of the nervous system and thereby the prevention of the deformities and contractures are carefully monitored by the concept of Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT). The neurodevelopmental approach generally tend to focus towards the sensorimotor components such as the reflexes, abnormal movement patters, postural control, memory and the perception. Thus, handling these techniques in order to attain an effective sensory stimuli, in order to inhibit the spasticity, abnormal patterns, abnormal reflexes are carefully m onitored for the patient in this protocol. Thus, the child would be facilitated with equilibrium responses, movement patterns and muscle tone under the supervision of Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT). Reason for the Investigation The main reason for investigation was to provide the evidence about various intervention for management of developmental disabilities. The research which was conducted by American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) which supported the intervention for medical condition, gauging the credibility of the evidence and thereby identifying the gaps of the scientific knowledge (Kaplan et al., 2013). Fourteen of the 21 studies provided results regarding the efficiency of Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT) tentatively, which directly ponders towards its validity. However, it can be clearly analyzed that one of the biggest threat which was associated to the context was the small sample size. The small sample size often may not be considered valid for generalizing the concept. Moreover, lack of information in order to detect a true difference between the heterogeneity of the population was also an alarming factor. Moreover, it can be analyzed that there were substantial gaps which need to be addressed in the future studies. Efficacy of the Intervention Model for Children suffering from Cerebral Palsy The nature of the results attained from the study is completely not adequate as it is supported by very low sample size. Low sample size along with the factor of diversified heterogeneity often results to the factor of lack of validity. Thus, further research based on this concept need to be accommodated in order to facilitate more accuracy and adaptability of Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT). Services provided under Part C of the IDEA or IDEIA legislation Physical therapy is considered as one the early intervention services, which directly falls under Part C of IDEA. The Physical therapy so provided may be considered as the only early intervention service where a child need to be coordinated efficiently and effectively. It is considered as a multidisciplinary program, which mainly targets for a huge sector of children that can be directly involved to the program. The Physical therapy, which is generally associated by the services of Part C of the IDEA legislation is generally provided as a part of the childs Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) through a family centered care philosophy. Moreover, the Physical therapy under Part C of the IDEA tend to utilize their knowledge along with their versatile skills to relate the motor and the self-care function. Apart from these perspectives, they also highlights towards the development of assistive technology, medical health care science and developing the self-care functioning of a chil d. All these parameters definitely target towards providing a unique contribution associated to the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). Moreover, the Physical therapists provide a wide range of services to the clients, which includes collaborating others within a single team, integrating interventions into everyday routines, locations or activities, and efficiently exchanging information with the family members (Chen Weaver, 2014). It can be clearly analyzed that all these facilities associated to this program of Part C in IDEA legislation targets in developing an effective platform for the improvising a childs development in a systematic and a logical manner (Moody McManus, 2014). Parents are considered as an integral part of the IDEA protocol, which mainly includes the factor of development of Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), and the must notified of their rights. This also includes the right to due process. Secondly, IFSP is considered a process that is professionally associated to decision making along with the implementation of the early intervention of the services of families and children. Moreover, the team member tend to develop the objectives, outcomes and strategies, which would guide the provision of the early intervention service associated in the natural environment. It can be clearly analyzed that the team determines the amount along with location of the early intervention services, which includes the concept of physical therapy, supporting the family and childs objective along with monitoring the income of the family members effectively (Levitt, 2013). Thus, the management would definitely monitor towards the economical consequences of a family and thereby would lay subsequent strategies to guide the child so that there is no constraint faced. Finally, the Service coordination is found to provide the families through the IFSP protocol. Thoughts for Inclusion and its Effectiveness on the Educational Situation It can be stated that there are few issues associated to the education, which generate more confusion, discussion or apprehension than the topic of inclusion. This is considered as an issue that has outspoken advocates on all the sides, whether loyally for, avowedly against or somewhere between the two parameters. Certainly, for the purpose of school of a district change, it can be analyzed that a more inclusive approach need to be provided which provides restructuring to the student associated to various disabilities. Special education program along with regular educational staff members (and the relationships) often changes the traditional rules under which most of the things happen with the premises of campus, district of classroom (Rackauskaite et al., 2015). Thus, the understanding of various ramifications and issues such as the restructuring protocols need to be amended significantly. It can be clearly analyzed that the concept of inclusion is considered vague for most of the people. Its actual meaning, structure and its questioning regarding the mainstreaming factors. Thus, from my perspective, I can clearly define that Inclusion is not an innovative concept associated to education. However, it is in fact a related term, which is associated to a longer history including integration, normalization, mainstreaming, deinstitutionalization, least restrictive environment and the regular education initiative. It can be clearly stated that it is an inclusion stem from the lax usage of several of these related terms when important differences in meaning exists, especially among the common mainstreaming, full inclusion or integration inclusion (Schreiber et al., 2015). From the perspectives of students associated to several disabilities, this concept have definitely targeted towards the development of opportunities to be around the non disabled peers which have been effectively limited to the lunch and recess. The other also may have been subsequently integrated into the fields of physical education, art, music and vocational training program. Typically, the students having mild disabilities are also been allowed with traditional core academic content areas, such as the subjects of mathematic, language, history, science, etc. From all these perspectives, it can be clearly assumed that this program definitely targets towards the development of these affected children. These programs tend to limit the factor of discrimination to a huge extent from these children, which in turn helps to develop their internal strength. The factor of confidence is effectively boosted among these child members as they feel the sense of equality with the other children of the same age. Hence, this is one of the most effective parameter, which should be effectively monitored in order to peruse development among the mentally affected child members associated to a school or other organisation. Annual Goal and Short Term Objectives included in Childs IEP at some point in his School Years In context to the present case study that has been published on Derek, the annual goal is to enhance the activities of Derek. This would be followed in such a way that he gets to receive a consultative physical therapy at his school that will help in implementation of various kinds of educational program that will be able to address the issues that is related to his accessibility and fatigability during his school days. The annual goal is to make e Derek free from the mid gut deviation that becomes more prominent during his running (Berg et al., 2012). He shall be thus given the important physical therapies that will help him to come out of the problems that he has been presently suffering from. This includes supporting him in independent stair climbing using the suitable handrail that he has been associated in doing. He shall also need to be supported for his home program of heel cord stretching and night splint that will help the physical therapies to monitor the activities of Dere k. The short-term objectives in relation to Derek thus include: Understanding of the outcomes that will help in relating Dereks functional skills and activities Understanding of the outcome that will help in enhancing Dereks performance in school. Understanding of the outcome that may be realistic and achievable within the frame of IEP fro motivating and improving the condition of Derek that he has been associated with Derek needs to provide the suitable assistance for removing the mild gait deviations To support Derek so that he can independently get associated in stair climbing by using a suitable handrail so that he can easily transfer himself from the floor to standing by using a Gowers maneuver. Monitoring the activities of Derek at school through the use of MDA clinic that will help to focus on the home program of heel cord stretching and the implementation of night splint Natural Environment is more than just Switching from Clinic based to Home based services The IFSP has laid down the guidelines that helps in providing a childs natural environment whenever required. The term natural environment means settings and activities that are standardized for a childs peers of the same age. It is the place or event the child is likely to get engaged if he or she did not have the disability. It includes care centers for children, church, libraries or grocery stores that help in the development of the child in a natural environment. However, what seems to be natural for one child is not necessarily natural for the other child. The main question that arises here is the location for creating a natural environment. A location may not be treated as a natural environment if it is where the persons with disabilities go. For example, they should not be taken to hospitals, schools and classrooms (Bartonek, 2015). The stipulation of early interference services for any child may occur in a setting other than a natural environment only if early interference cannot be achieved satisfactorily. According to the Federal Idea Part C Regulations, the term natural environment means and includes, keeping in mind the needs of the child, natural environment community settings means home kind of environment in which children with disabilities are comfortable with. The state that is participating in Part C of Idea must ensure that early services should be provided for natural environments and ensuring that any child who cannot be a part of the natural environment easily shall be provided with an alternative in place of natural e nvironment. Natural environment means settings that are real or normal for the childs peer who otherwise have no disability. According to Nebraska Title, natural environment means arrangement that is real or natural for the child similar age peers as compared to the child without any disability. In cases if the natural setting of environment is not achieved satisfactorily then, in such cases an alternative can be achieved. The Rule 51 of the Nebraska Title states that, the school district shall establish policies and procedures to the highest extent possible. Children with disabilities are to be educated with children who do not have any disabilities. In situations where there is a need of separating the educational system of those having disabilities, then they may get separated only in cases where by the aids and services provided do not allow to achieve proper education for those with disabilities. Important Information to be Told to the Parents of a Child with Physical and Cognitive Special Needs regarding their Rights in Advocating for their Child The Individuals with Disabilities Educational Improvement Act of 2004 under Sub Part E lays down procedural safeguards. These safeguards serve to preserve the interests and rights of parents as well as children who bear a disability. The Act provides that at least once in a year, the parents of children bearing disability are entitled to Procedural Safeguard Notice from the schools in which their children are enrolled. This Act ensures that children who bear disability have proper access to education. It gives parents of children with disability a voice regarding the education of their children. The following are some of the remarkable rights laid down under the said Act; The Act serves to protect the confidentiality of education of such children by way of allowing children the right to access the records of their children. In case they come across any information, which appears to be misleading or incorrect, or in violation of the privacy rights of their children they are entitled to request for amendment of such information. The Act gives parents the right to take part in meetings concerning their children. This happens to be one of the most significant right available to the parents of children with disability (Oudenampsen et al., 2013). They are entitled to participate in meetings concerning; Identification, evaluation and educational placement of their children Application of the provisions of FAPE (free appropriate public education) to their children Development or revision of the individualised education program for their children (IEP) for their children The Act requires the school authorities to avail the consent of the parents of children with disability prior to taking certain specific actions regarding such children. There is no exhaustive list regarding such actions and would depend upon the policies of schools. These may include; Prior to conducting evaluation of such children; Prior to conducting re-evaluation of such children. Parents have also been provided with the right of disagreeing with decisions which the schools take concerning children with disability. In case parents of such children are not satisfied with the individualized evaluation of their children conducted by the school they have been accorded the right to obtain an Independent Educational Evaluation. Under this system, they have the right to get the evaluation done by an independent evaluator. Parents of children with cognitive and physical special needs must be aware of the above stated rights as well as other rights available under the Act in connection with advocacy for their children. References Bartonek, . (2015). Commentary on Foot Orthoses for Pediatric Flexible Flatfoot: Evidence and Current Practices Among Canadian Physical Therapists.Pediatric Physical Therapy,27(1), 60. Berg, P., Becker, T., Martian, A., Danielle, P. K., Wingen, J. (2012). Motor control outcomes following Nintendo Wii use by a child with Down syndrome.Pediatric Physical Therapy,24(1), 78-84. Chen, Y. P., Weaver, L. (2014). Commentary on Accommodating the Bayley-III for Motor and/or Visual Impairment: A Comparative Pilot Study.Pediatric Physical Therapy,26(1), 68. Figueroa, A. M., Yu, S. (2014). Commentary on Functional Capacity, Strength, and Quality of Life in Children and Youth With Familial Mediterranean Fever.Pediatric Physical Therapy,26(3), 353. Kaplan, S. L., Coulter, C., Fetters, L. (2013). Physical therapy management of congenital muscular torticollis: an evidence-based clinical practice guideline: from the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association.Pediatric Physical Therapy,25(4), 348-394. Levitt, S. (2013).Treatment of cerebral palsy and motor delay. John Wiley Sons. Lombard, K. A. (2016). Physical Therapy for a Child Poststroke With a Left Ventricular Assist Device.Pediatric Physical Therapy,28(1), 126-132. Moody, C., McManus, B. M. (2014). Commentary on The Effects of Massage Therapy to Induce Sleep in Infants Born Preterm.Pediatric Physical Therapy,26(4), 410. Oudenampsen, C., Holty, L., Stuive, I., van der Hoek, F., Reinders-Messelink, H., Schoemaker, M., ... Buurke, J. (2013). Relationship between participation in leisure time physical activities and aerobic fitness in children with DCD.Pediatric Physical Therapy,25(4), 422-429. Rackauskaite, G., Uldall, P. W., Bech, B. H., stergaard, J. R. (2015). Impact of child and family characteristics on cerebral palsy treatment.Developmental Medicine Child Neurology,57(10), 948-954. Schreiber, J., Moerchen, V. A., Rapport, M. J., Martin, K., Furze, J., Lundeen, H., Pelletier, E. (2015). Experiential Learning With Children: An Essential Component of Professional Physical Therapy Education.Pediatric Physical Therapy,27(4), 356-367. Verschuren, O., Bongers, B. C., Obeid, J., Ruyten, T., Takken, T. (2013). Validity of the muscle power sprint test in ambulatory youth with cerebral palsy.Pediatric Physical Therapy,25(1), 25-28.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

46 Back-to-School Quotes to Help Get You Motivated

46 Back-to-School Quotes to Help Get You Motivated Vacations are over, and its time to head back to school. Tis the season of  teachers revising lessons and of students stocking up on school supplies and preparing for new classes. You can share some  motivational back-to-school quotes with your children to help encourage them to achieve, and you can share them with your favorite educators, too. Our education-themed list also contains quotes for people going to the school of hard knocks. Plus, we offer a few clever asides and quips from authors and comedians to a former president. Inspirational Quotes for Students Help students realize the importance of  education  with these quotes: Martin H. Fischer All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind. Ray LeBlond You learn something every day if you pay attention. E.C. McKenzie Sign on a high school bulletin board in Dallas: Free every Monday through Friday- knowledge. Bring your own containers. Ernest Renan The simplest schoolboy is now familiar with truths for which Archimedes would have sacrificed his life. Dana Stewart Scott Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later. Alvin Toffler The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Mark Twain Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. Quotes About Teachers and Schools Need some quotes about educators and schools? Look no further: Susan B. Anthony If all the rich and all of the church people should send their children to the public schools they would feel bound to concentrate their money on improving these schools until they met the highest ideals. T.H. Huxley I care not what subject is taught, if only it be taught well. E.C. McKenzie Education helps you earn more. But not many schoolteachers can prove it.Schoolteachers are not fully appreciated by parents until it rains all day Saturday. Donald D. Quinn If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didnt want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teachers job. Lily Tomlin ï » ¿I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. Inspirational Quotes for Educators Educators might also enjoy some inspirational quotes geared toward their chosen profession: Malcolm S. Forbes Educations purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Sydney J. Harris The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. Margaret Laurence Holidays are enticing only for the first week or so. After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do. Richard Livingstone If the school sends out children with a desire for knowledge and some idea of how to acquire and use it, it will have done its work. Ralph W. Sockman The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder. Ricky Williams I allowed myself to think if I could be doing anything in the world, what would I be doing? And what came to mind is Id be traveling a little bit, Id be going to classes, and Id be going back to school. Quotes on Life and Learning Here are some quotable lines about the value of education outside of school, the teacher being reality. Anonymous Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Tom Bodett The difference between school and life? In school, youre taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, youre given a test that teaches you a lesson. Winston Churchill I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. W. Edwards Deming Learning is not compulsory...but to survive, we must learn. Peter De Vries We all learn by experience but some of us have to go to summer school. Ralph Waldo Emerson You send your child to the schoolmaster, but tis the schoolboys who educate him. Martin H. Fischer Education aims to give you a boost up the ladder of knowledge. Too often, it just gives you a cramp on one of its rungs. Ivan Illich Together we have come to realize that for men the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school. George Bernard Shaw What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child. Ernest Shackleton I do not know what moss stands for in the proverb, but if it stood for useful knowledge...I gathered more moss by rolling than I ever did at school. Oscar Wilde Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. Henny Youngman In elementary school, many a true word is spoken in guess. Silly and Pithy Quotes According to some well-known names, education has its lighter moments: Gracie Allen Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years. Erma Bombeck Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work 13 times an hour, she can hurt you. A. Whitney Brown Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Kuwait. George Carlin When I got out of high school they retired my jersey, but it was for hygiene and sanitary reasons. Bill Dodds Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken. Peter Drucker When a subject becomes totally obsolete, we make it a required course. Finley Peter Dunne It doesnt make much difference what you study, so long as you dont like it. Robert Gallagher Anyone who thinks the art of conversation is dead ought to tell a child to go to bed. Edgar W. Howe If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers. Elbert Hubbard You can lead a boy to college, but you cannot make him think. Doug Larson Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog. Henry Louis Mencken Sunday school: A prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents. John Updike The Founding Fathers...provided jails called schools, equipped with tortures called an education. School is where you go between when your parents cant take you and industry cant take you. Ronald Reagan But there are advantages to being President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified top secret. Joan Welsh The only educational aspect of television is that it puts the repairman’s kids through college.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

In Romeo and Juliet there are lots of opposing themes Essays

In Romeo and Juliet there are lots of opposing themes Essays In Romeo and Juliet there are lots of opposing themes Essay In Romeo and Juliet there are lots of opposing themes Essay From the beginning of Romeo and Juliet we are introduced to the themes of life and death, death in particular. In the prologue we are told that the play will result in two deaths, those of the star-crossed lovers. We are also told that ancient grudge break to new mutiny, which again informs the audience of the fate the play is bound to. The new mutiny is shown in Act 1 Scene 1 when Abram, Sampson, Gregory and Tybalt fight, the reason being that they are from the opposing houses, which bear the ancient grudge that the prologue described to the audience.Tybalt, from the Capulet house challenges Benvolio of the Montague house. Tybalt is described as fiery and he says to Benvolio Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death, believing Benvolio to be involved when he in fact was attempting to cease the fighting. This scene is used to great affect, as it is shows the conflict between the houses at the beginning of the play to ensure the audience know of the conflict, an d will later comprehend that it is the cause of all the deaths throughout the play.Prince Escales of Verona eventually stops the fight, and informs Lords Capulet and Montague that, should there be another brawl, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. The message is clear both to the audience and the characters, and it is showing how death is a punishment. This scene is split into two halves; the fight, which revolves around the theme of death, and Romeos conversation with Benvolio, which is referring to life. We are informed that Romeo has been creating artificial nights for himself and that he private in his chamber pens himself. He is melancholy, and when Benvolio seeks the cause of his sadness, he discovers that Romeo is Out of her favour where I am in love.He is discontent with his life, and feels that it is worthless without Rosaline. At this point in the play he does not realise how terrible death is, and thinks it a better option than being melancholy. This shows othe r people easily affect him, and also that he is unaware of the pain of death and the effects it can have. This is the first of many links between love and death during the play, and Benvolio claims he will die in debt if he cannot teach Romeo to forget Rosaline and love another women. This gives the image of death being a repayment of debt created within life, closely linking the two.The next time death appears in the play is when Benvolio compares women to poisons, and says to Romeo, the rank poison of the old will die. This portrays the image that women are the cause of ill health and death. This is ironic because at the end of the play Romeo does die from a poison, and he takes it because he cannot be with the women he loves. This is one of the many prophetic images Shakespeare uses throughout Romeo and Juliet, all of which are used to great affect. Another example is in scene four, where Romeo voices his fears of an untimely death, and feels that if he enters the Capulets ball i t will bring about his death, which is true as it is at the ball he meets Juliet. Had he trusted these predicaments, he would not have met Juliet, meaning he would have had no reason to kill himself.At the ball, Tybalt sees Romeo, and wishes to strike him dead, but Capulet will not allow this, as he does not want to spoil the party. When Romeo finds out Juliet is a Capulet, he is distraught, and claims, my life is my foes debt. He believes that his life is owed to his enemy, and that he would be happier dead as he cannot be with Juliet. Juliet also says she will die if she cannot marry Romeo, which is another example of irony, as in the end of the play she does die, and mainly because she did marry Romeo. This again portrays the close relationship between love and death, which is carried throughout Romeo and Juliet.Act 2 Scene 2 is also portraying this relationship, when Romeo creeps back into the Capulet house to see Juliet. She tells him that if the guards see him they will murder him, but he says that, My life were better ended by their hate/ Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love. He would prefer to die early and be with Juliet, than live a long time without her. Later in this scene Juliet says that she wishes Romeo was like a wanton bird, and Romeo replies I would I were thy bird, but Juliet confesses that she would end up killing him, as she would constantly be giving him affection.In scene 3 we are introduced to Friar Lawrence, who plays a very important part in the play, connected with both life and death. In his speech we are informed that he has a special interest in plants, some of which have healing qualities, others which are used in the production of poisons. This leaves the audience wondering whether his purpose in the play will be to heal, or the opposite.Mercutio provides another example of the link between love and death in scene 4, when he talks about Romeo being shot with Cupids arrow. In scene 5 Juliet performs a soliloquy, and towards the end of this she says But old folks, many feign as they were dead/ Unwieldy, slow, heavy, and pale as lead, informing the audience that many of the senior members of Verona act as if they are already dead. This gives the impression that Verona is permanently linked to death.The final scene in this act, scene 6, is the point at which true love finally runs its course, and Romeo and Juliet are married. Romeo says something very prophetic in this scene. Then love-devouring Death do what he dare/ It is enough I may but call her mine. This is saying that they are not afraid of death as long as they are together, and are prepared to die for each other, which is in fact the final consequence. Friar Lawrence then claims that, These violent delights have violent ends/ And in their triumph die like fire and powder. This is even more prophetic as it states that all good things end badly, as does the play.Act 3 Scene 1 contains the second fight of the play, when Tybalt seeks revenge on Romeo for attending the ball. When Romeo declines, and claims that he love thee better than thou canst devise, Mercutio takes it upon himself to fight with Tybalt. They fight, and Romeo parts them, but Mercutio is stabbed under Romeos arm. Mercutio plagues both the houses, as it is due to their grudge that he lost his life. Having witnessed the death of his friend, Romeo abandons his maturity and attacks Tybalt, resulting in Tybalts death. He runs, scared of the punishment the law commands death. This is in comparison to the beginning of the play when he was unaware of the fear death can bring.At the end of the scene Benvolio, having told the Prince what happened, proclaims, This is the truth, or let Benvolio die. This is the second time he has used his life as a guarantee, for at the beginning of the play he vowed to die if he could not persuade Romeo to love another women.Prince Escales decides the punishments, and is persuaded by Lord Montague that, His fault concludes but what the l aw should end/ The life of Tybalt. He reduces Romeos punishment to banishment, but vows that in future he will be deaf to pleading and excuses, as he has lost his kinsman, Mercutio.In scene 2 Juliet is told by the nurse, hes dead, hes dead, hes dead! and she believes it to be Romeo. She asks Can heaven be so envious?, but the nurse replies, Romeo can, though heaven cannot. When Juliet discovers that Tybalt is dead and Romeo banished, she says it is worse than her mother, father, Tybalt, herself and Romeo being dead.Romeo agrees with Juliet in scene 3, when he says, Banishment? Be merciful, say death:/ For exile hath more terror in his look and he emphasises this with images of Juliet being in heaven where everyone except him can look at her. He is being very selfish, as the Friar tells him when he says if he killed himself he would be killing Juliet as well. This is prophetic as, when Juliet finds out Romeo is dead she does kill herself. He also tells Romeo how it would be a sin, an d he would go to hell, linking death with the next life.At the beginning of scene 4 Lord Capulets view on death is shown, and it is very different to Juliet. Well, we were born to die. He does not think it is worth getting upset about, as everyone dies at some point. Paris and Lord Capulet do not show respect for the dead, as they are now talking of weddings, rather than mourning their loss.In scene 5 Romeo is saying he must leave Juliet or he will die. He is now acting rationally, and realises that as long as he is alive he may be able to come back. Juliet doesnt want him to go, but then changes her mind. She then later finds out about her marriage to Paris, and refuses. Her mother shows no feelings for her, and says I would the fool were married to her grave, which is how Juliet dies.In Act 4 Scene 1 we are told that Juliet is weeping for Tybalts death, but she is being hurried to get on with her life. Not much respect is shown for the dead at this time as they are now thinking of weddings rather than grieving for their loss. However Juliet is willing to end her life is she cannot be with her love. This gives us the impression that her life is worthless without Romeo and she doesnt value her life very much. She reinforces this later on when she says, o bid me leap, rather than marry Paris/ From off the battlements of any tower and she lists other terrible things she would rather do.Later on in the scene Friar Lawrence tells Juliet of a plan to fake her death in order for her to live a good, sin-free life with Romeo. This shows how powerful death can be, and can cause good things as well as bad.In scene 3 Juliet is about to take the poison, but is scared about what will happen if it doesnt work. She doesnt want to die and is scared she will wake too soon. She gives vivid descriptions regarding death, such as So early waking what with loathsome smells and shrieks like mandrakes torn out of the earth. She also talks about Tybalts ghost. She is hysterical at th is point and is confusing life with death.The next example of death is not until scene 5 when Juliets body is discovered and death is quite a prominent part in this scene. There is a lot of repetition of the word death and phrases connected with it. We are told that Juliet is ready to go, but never to return when Friar Lawrence asks if she is ready to go to church.Death is personified when Capulet says, o son the night before thy wedding day/ Hath Death lain with thy wife. They regard death as an evil being that takes all, and this is also used later in the play. Later it is shown how people dont realise how bad death is until it happens to them. Earlier on in the play lady Capulet said I would the fool were married to her grave but when this actually happens she claims and with my child my joys are buriedHowever during the Friars speech we are told about the religious beliefs at the time. Friar Lawrence talks about the next life, showing the connection between life and death, and how the second life is better.Act 5 starts a very dramatic part in the play, which revolves around death. In scene 1 Romeo tells the audience of his dream that was dead. This shows how death can affect people, even when they are unaware of it. It is also prophetic, especially when he says And breathd such life with kisses in my lips Juliet was told by Friar Lawrence that she would wake to Romeo kissing her, so this is like Romeo knew the plan. Romeo is saying how he wants to die for his love, which is what Juliet said as well.Whilst trying to find it, Romeo describes the apothecary and he talks about dead animals, which gives the impression it will contain items to do with death.Romeo uses death and cruelty to persuade the apothecary to sell him the potion, saying how life has been cruel to the apothecary, and that he needs the money.In scene 2 we find out why Romeo did not get the letter telling him of the plan. It turns out that the Friar saving sick peoples lives caused three de aths Romeo, Juliet and Paris.When he finds out, Friar Lawrence says, poor living corse, closd in a dead mans tomb, which is one of the things Juliet was scared of. It is showing how life is trapped and bound to death.In scene 3, death is personified again, this time by Romeo. It is compared to a dirty mouth, eating all that is good, and it is shown how death leads to more death. Paris believes that Romeo killed Tybalt, which in turn led to Juliets death.However it is shown how there are different types of death. By being arrested and killed or by your own free will, which is how Romeo wants to die.On entering the tomb, the connection is shown again between life and death, when Romeo says how Juliet looks alive when he believes she is dead. Death is personified again, and then Romeo dies for his love, unaware she is to wake up only minutes later.Meanwhile, outside, Balthasar is scared of death, in comparison with Romeo who wanted to die.Juliet awakes to find Romeo dead, and chooses to take her life too. She is only 13 and has her whole life ahead of her, but chooses to die for love. This shows again the great relationship between love and death in the play. Another example is that throughout the play there is a love triangle between Romeo, Juliet and Paris; and in the end all three die for love. However love is also linked to life, as the deaths draw the families together and they vow to honour Romeo and Juliets lives.Throughout the play Shakespeare shows obvious empathy, and clearly shows the links between life, love and death. They are very strongly related, and many links are shown throughout Romeo and Juliet.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Case Study of Ping an Life Insurance Company of China Dissertation

A Case Study of Ping an Life Insurance Company of China - Dissertation Example In the competitive markets, development and maintenance of good customer relations are indispensable for the success and survival of an organization in the long term. In this context, the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has evolved and it has gained significant importance in the global business scenario. In the emerging markets, customer management theories are being practically considered in the decision making processes of business firms. At present, Chinese firms are increasingly applying the CRM system with the aim of facilitating good customer relationship. In the competitive framework of the market, choices and decisions of customers play an important role in the performance of businesses. Customers are the key element that plays an important role in the survival of business firms (Cheng, 2005). CRM systems allow firms in China to focus on the customers and take greater care of their demand through more personalized service offerings (Dyche, 2002). It has been found through research that winning a new customer is almost five times more costly to a firm than retaining the existing customers. On the other hand, an additional 5 percent of existing customers are capable of increasing the profit by nearly 100 percent (Cheng, 2007). This shows that it is very important for management to implement the CRM system in their organizations. CRM is one of the modern day developments that have taken corporate organizations to a greater level of business. Chinese firms are adopting the CRM system fast. This process involves the implementation of software that would record the details of the company’s relationship with its customers through the performance of various indicators. Several advantages have been found to be associated with the process of CRM and various benefits accrue to the companies that implement this system. However, certain limitations are also associated with the process of CRM. Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Ltd. rec ognizes the importance of CRM. The company was established as a major subsidiary of the parent company, Ping an Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. In the year 2002, Ping was the first company in China that had a shareholding structure. Gradually Ping An Insurance Group has grown and has begun offering various financial services including insurance products as core services and banking, securities, and investment services as tertiary businesses (Ping An, 2009). The CRM system helps the organization to focus on the business processes, marketing processes and customer service offerings of the company. This leads to the development of client relationship and maximization of ‘customer value’ in long run. In essence, implementation of CRM has brought a shift within the company from being a production-oriented organization into a customer-oriented organization. After implementing CRM, the company improves its communication channels. The information technology (IT) system acts as a coordinating agency across the different levels of operations (Kanji, 2002). Since the organization becomes more customer-centric, it also needs to train its employees in order to make them more involved in the business process and more efficient.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 35

Case Study Example First of all, the condition of the two mothers when their children became sick has to be given the first priority i.e. were they breast-feeding their children? Could they have been infected by the disease? Where they live and what type of food they eat when breast-feeding. In addition, it would be prudent to determine the age of the children, when they became sick for instance: Did they fall sick at the same age? Consequently, various environmental factors would be taken into consideration for example: The environment of the working place; where they come from; and the people they interact with at the work place. The second step would involve undertaking scientific tests on the factors identified to determine if they could cause diseases with similar symptoms. However, specific consideration would be given to the composition of the mother’s milk and if possible compared to the laboratory results of the breast milk of the co-worker: This is only possible if the laboratory results indicating the chemical component of the co-worker’s breast milk is available. Research indicates that there is a high sense of relationship between certain diseases and industries (Handley 2001). This is mostly evident when there is one family member working in an industry or when there is an industry next to a residential place. In this regard, there would be a case for the woman in the court (Handley 2001). However, such allegations would require proper proof/ medical evidence for the woman to win. On the other hand, there are various occupational health and safety laws that are applied in industries to not only protect the lives of the workers and the environment, but also their family members (Hartnett 2008). The woman win the case in the event that the court finds out that such rules are not properly followed by the company as

Monday, November 18, 2019

Merger and Acquisition in China Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Merger and Acquisition in China - Coursework Example This was undertaken in the form of a qualitative study as the author was obtaining subjective information relating to the failure of this merger/acquisition. This was undertaken in the form of primary research. The qualitative methods were also chosen as the information obtained was used to develop themes and form conclusions on the reasons behind the collapse of the DANONE and Wahaha Group deal (Cooper and Schindler 2003, Creswell 2003, Hair et al 2003, Saunders et al 2003) that will be useful for determining the advantages and disadvantages of establishing mergers and acquisitions in the Chinese market. The primary research with the head of Wahaha demonstrated the lack of openness or the no willingness to discuss this issue in great detail. The benefits derived by China from its merger and acquisitions activity with developed nations include increased development and economic activity. The benefits also include the acquisition of new technology, knowledge and skills, which would ha ve otherwise taken significantly longer to achieve, and for a relatively lower price. However, the main disadvantages are that of the lack of knowledge of mergers and acquisitions as they are mainly driven by the developed world. Mergers and acquisitions do occur in China regularly, but this is different to such activities with companies that are not Chinese. Table of Contents Table of Contents 4 1.0 Introduction 5 1.2 Significance of the study 10 1.3 Research objectives 11 1.5 Research model 12 2.1 Mergers and Acquisitions and the Stock Market 15 2.1.1 The merger and acquisition environment 16 2.2 Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions 18 2.2.1 Cross Border problems faced by Chinese companies 20 2.2.2 Countermeasures faced by Chinese companies 22 2.4 Business Culture 26 2.5 Introduction to Case Study 27 3.0 Methodology 28 4.0 Results 33 4.1 Primary Research 33 4.2 Secondary Research 34 5.0 Discussion 49 6.0 Conclusion 56 6.1 Recommendations 59 6.2 Limitations 60 7.0 References 61 1.0 Introduction The open door policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in China in1992 with the intention to push forward China's economic progress brought in considerable wealth in the form of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) (Galbraith, 2000). This policy enabled institutional change (North 1990), which in turn created opportunities for investment into the Chinese economy. What was different about this policy was that it was a gradual change and not a sudden change as experienced in other developing countries, which led to bankruptcies and high costs (Campbell and Lindberg 1991). This policy also placed emphasis on foreign capital policy, the foreign exchange system, and it also offered promising conditions for foreign investors (Galbraith, 2000). This policy has since reaped dividends given that the main mode for FDI into the Chinese economy has been through foreign funded and joint venture companies. This has also reflected in figures which show that between 1990 and 1996, China managed to attract appr oximately $230 billion of foreign capital, with 20% of that amount coming from developing nations (Galbraith, 2000). However, the open door policy

Friday, November 15, 2019

Legal Rights and Requirements for Children with Disabilities

Legal Rights and Requirements for Children with Disabilities Outline the legal and regulatory requirements in place for children with disabilities or specific requirements†¦ Every child regardless of age, ability and circumstance has legal rights and entitlements. A child with a disability has the right to be treated equally and fairly. Tutt R (2007) Every Child Included, Great Britain, Paul Chapman Publishing quotes ‘Every child not only matters, but matters equally’. Acts and laws have been put into place to ensure children’s disabilities are not discriminated against. Children with SEN have extra-legal stipulations that ensure their inclusion and protect them from further discrimination. These include The Equality Act 2010, which states that provision be mad e for people with disabilities to be able to access public and private services the same way an able bodied person does. Adjustments to public places should be made, such as ramps for access and wider doors. Services such as toilets adapted for disabled people and braille on signs for visually impaired children, accessible seating areas at events and amenable transport .The Special Education Needs Code of Practice provides help schools to ensure inclusion and equality. One of its most important aims is to give early intervention for children with SEN, with the best suited support. A child with SEN should have their needs met, this will normally be in mainstream school being included in the National Curriculum at a relevant level with an appropriate approach. From the 1St September 2014 all schools must adhere to this practice. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a document giving rights to children regardless of their needs and circumstance stating that children’s’ views should be taken into consideration when decisions are made, where possible for their education and care. Whilst the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is specifically for children with disabilities. It is aware that although they have different challenges they should still equally enjoy their human rights with non -disabled children. Article 7 outlines that the child’s best interests should be paramount and their right to express their opinions should be taken seriously. Article 31 says information must collected be collected with disabled people and shared so that a better understanding of the barriers can be overcome. Article 24 states a child should receive inclusive, free primary and secondary education within their community with quality teaching and individual support. Each country has to report to the United Nations committee showing how t hey are putting this convention into practise. These acts and bills that have been passed to protect the children are such an important aspect of disabled children and Sen children’s life. They provide good quality early intervention which will continue to help improve the long term outcome of all children. Explain why it is important to work inclusively with children with disabilities or specific requirements†¦ It is so important that children with disabilities are able to access main stream school education and be able to work alongside and with children without disability or additional needs. A child’s needs, strengths and interests should be built upon, with other children, to develop them under your care. (This is otherwise known as a child –centred approach) People’s opinions and the way they treat disabled children fall into two categories Medical Model of Disability and Social Model. The medical model sees disability as an illness to be made better. It focuses on their condition rather than the individual as a person. This labels a child as ‘sick’ instead of looking at their achievements and interests. If a setting chooses this approach they are not inclusive as they’ve chosen to focus on the disability. A social model sees that everybody is an individual with rights and feelings and this gives value to their choices .Society is responsible for the way we treat disabilities, our attitudes and behaviour determine whether we embrace and include disability into our everyday lives or we wrongly treat it like an illness. Lindon J (2012) Equality and Inclusion in Early Childhood, Great Britain, Hachette UK ‘Words matter because they are a reflection of deeply entrenched attitudes in our society’ By incorporating a child as a person with individual needs and listening to them a child will feel respected which will increase their self -worth and well- being. A child will feel safe and secure in their environment and the other family members will equally feel that they are respected too. Planning is a very important part of inclusion, if the child has a special interest in something (i.e. animals) this can be incorporated into learning bringing in resources to count, sort, describe and write about etc. It will keep the child interested and motivated to continue learning. A practitioner needs to show an understanding towards the child’s feelings and points of view and not pity as this would not be productive in any way. Thinking from the child’s point of view will enable you to adapt the setting to the individual needs of the child. Children should be encouraged to take responsibility and have independence as this gives them belief in their abilities and future skills and by watching able bodied children complete tasks they learn what can be achieved. Gaining an understanding of how a child’s disability affects them their learning would greatly help to include each different disability to ensure they aren’t excluding the child even unintentionally. A child needs to feel welcomed; this could be as easy as a smile or calling their name. All pictures should display positive images of different disabilities around the classroom to provide a positive environment. All role models need to maintain a positive attitude to make these changes and by working in an enthusiastic team inclusion can be achieved which has to be the best thing for all children. This poem written by an 8yr old girl describes how she feels about her friend in her class who cannot walk or talk and shows how beneficial inclusion is. Tutt R(2007) Every Child Included, Great Britain, Paul Chapman Publishing. Evaluate the benefits of working in partnership with parents and professionals when working with children†¦ All parents should be constantly involved and consulted when making decisions about a child with special educational needs as this enables a parent to feel they are respected and their child is valued. A parent sees their child as a whole person with interests and characteristics and not just a child with an illness or condition. They have the best source of information on the child, their personality, personal skills, social abilities and emotional state as well as their physical situation. They are also able to relay their coping techniques and what methods they use to produce results for development and behaviour. Parents have a right to contribute to the decision making according to the Code of Practice as does a child have the right to be involved in choices and preferences .This is a good idea as each child is a sensitive individual with individual needs. Having this parental partnership helps outside agencies such as Social Services , Speech and Language therapists , Doctors and Paediatricians form a clearer picture and understanding of the child they are involved with and are able to build on this knowledge to know where their child is in their learning and development to give them the best help , For example a Physiotherapist will suggest exercises to do at home , a Speech and Language therapist would devise a plan that would be implemented at school and home. A Social worker will also have a vital role in supporting a family with a SEN Child giving support and guidance where necessary and also practical help. As children with SEN are seen to be potentially vulnerable they also help with their protection and safe guarding and working closely with a family is the best way to do this. Parents will often need additional information to help support their child in the best way as this will be a new experience and learning curve for them too. Additional information would help these parents and support them in preparing them for meetings they would need to attend. A parent will also need their own personal support as this is an emotional and difficult time they are trying to cope with. They should be respected and contact should be professional but with understanding and compassion as sometimes there is unacceptance of the situation too. Each school now has to have a designated member of staff as a SENCO who is responsible for providing provision for each child. The SEN code of practice says they must ensure each child should be valued and equality and inclusion must be provided and early intervention where required. Details of the SEN policy have to be provided for parents and carers and support when required. It is so important for parental involvement to continue with all these different parties and for strategies to be worked out together for the best interests of the child. Describe how PR actioners can adapt their existing practice to support children with disabilities or specific requirements†¦ It is the responsibility of the setting or employer to make sure premises are suitable to cater for the needs of all children with disabilities, so they can participate within their school and their community. The environment is a key factor to helping support the children , access to a building is vital ,this could be achieved with a ramp , possibly a lift or simply moving a classroom to a more accessible place i.e. nearer the entrance. It is important to look at the child’s actual disability, to look what they are able and aren’t able to do. For example if a child has limited movement and in a wheelchair, to adapt the area might include changing the table layout, a door entrance widened to accommodate a wheelchair. Resources would need to be kept at a lower level (but not on the floor) and labelled so the child can reach them, maybe choosing the activities and resources they prefer at an achievable independent level. Any floor activities could be adapted for a child to do at the table and be changed to adapt a wheelchair. If a child is visually impaired you would need to make sure they have a seat at the front of the class enabling them a better view of the whiteboard and t eacher, maybe a magnifying glass. It might be possible to have Audio Description, as hearing is heightened when vision is impaired. Labels around the classroom and lots of sensory and tactile resources should be available. It might be that resources need to be in braille and assisted help required. A visually impaired child would benefit from a classroom not being changed around so they are familiar with the layout of the room and can avoid obstacles and move about safely. You need to look at a classroom from a child’s view and adapt with this mind set, it is also important for the area to be regularly checked for safety reasons and the children should be encouraged to help to understand the importance of this . All ages and stage appropriate activities need to readily available. SEN children may also need additional help with their personal care, fastening buttons and zips; these can be made easier with Velcro fastenings to encourage independence. Some children find it difficult to make their own choices and feelings; this can be helped with visual aids such as a choice board to enable a child to make a simpler independent choice or a feelings board to express their emotions appropriately. For inclusion to work the adults involved have to have a positive attitude to any changes and adaptations needed. Practitioners should ensure activities and resources are ability appropriate and meet each child’s individual needs. Positive beliefs and a passion to help the children will help build an environment inclusive to all.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Enron :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Enron Executives at high-flying Enron Corp. (ENE ) never seemed overly concerned with how the rest of the world viewed their business practices. Earlier this year, the California Attorney General had to get a court order to collect documents in an industrywide investigation into energy price fixing. And when an analyst challenged former CEO Jeffrey K. Skilling in a conference call to produce Enron's balance sheet, Skilling called him an "ass----." Still, even some Enron executives worried that the company had gone too far with two complex partnerships set up in 1999 to buy company assets and hedge investments. With Enron's then-chief financial officer acting as general manager of the partnerships and in a position to personally benefit from their investments, the potential for a conflict of interest and backlash from investors seemed overwhelming. "Internally, everybody said this is not a good idea," says a source close to the company. But no one could have predicted such a jaw-dropping outcome for the nation's largest and most innovative energy trader. Since Oct. 16, when Enron revealed a $35 million charge to earnings to reflect losses on those partnerships and was forced to knock $1.2 billion off its shareholders' equity, the company's stock has plunged 60%. The Securities & Exchange Commission is investigating Enron's accounting for its partnerships and whether it properly disclosed them to investors. Suddenly the company, which brought high-tech and complex finance to energy trading, is essentially trying to avoid a run on the bank. Moody's Investors Service has already downgraded the company's debt. Enron says it is meeting with credit agencies to calm their fears, and analysts say Enron is working on a turnaround plan that would likely include accelerating asset sales, issuing shares, and obtaining new credit lines. Enron's board has set up a special committee to look into its controversial partnerships. But analysts also worry that Enron's trading partners could pull the plug if they lose confidence that it can honor its trades. "ON CRACK?" Inside Enron, once-cocky employees are reeling. They were still puzzling over the abrupt Aug. 14 departure of CEO Skilling when the company announced on Oct. 24 that CFO Andrew S. Fastow, architect of the controversial private LJM investments--which got their name from the first initials of his wife and children--was removed from his post and on leave. In a tense meeting held at a Houston hotel after the latest financial disclosures, soft-spoken Chairman and CEO Kenneth L.